Har Har Mahadev 

Dear readers, how are you guys, we hope you are staying safe.

Friends, in today's post we will know how to control our mind.  How to live the mind, because many situations come in life when there is difficulty in taking decisions.  

The mind starts running towards any evil very quickly but it does not move towards goodness, then what to do.  

There are many more questions related to the mind with which humans often struggle.  So l

et's know some questions related to mind

In this post you will find

Operation of human body

Mind is immortal 

Fear of mind

How the mind should be 

The mind is satisfied with the spiritual 

Scripture for the mind

Five window of the human body

How to live the mind 




Dear Readers! Our human body is governed by the five prana, the ten sense organs, the five sense organs and the four internal organs. The energy power of his soul present in man has entrusted everyone with their respective tasks. 

In which he (Energy) has entrusted the wire of the light of spirituality in the hands of the mind. Friends ! Why did the energy power of the soul entrust this task to the mind itself? do you want to know? Let's go-


Friends, this body given by the Lord keeps on changing with the passage of time. Man is born as a child, then reaches adolescence, then into youth and then into old age. By changing these four states, this body of ours gets old, 

becomes weak, every part of the body becomes incapable of functioning – but this mind – this mind never gets weak, never gets old, This body gets tired while working, but this mind never gets tired. The body gets sleep, but the mind never sleeps.

The senses in the body become relaxed, but the mind is never relaxed. Friends! Mind is such a vessel which has contained many sensations inside itself. There is such a brave man, who is not visible but very powerful, 

riding on a horse full of infinite types of fantasies and desires, roaming freely in these ten directions. The happiness that affects the soul with sorrow, but himself never gets trapped in those bonds. This mind is always free.

The person who controls such a free, free mind, then that person is no longer just a human being, he becomes a great soul, a great man. He never wanders in life. His paths go on being made on their own.

Read more- Tamarind tree here Krishna became fair in the worry of Radha ji.


Friends was a contagion patient. He went to the hospital. The doctor admitted him, gave him medicine and went to his house in the evening, leaving some people who served the sick to take care of him. That nothing happened to those people even after touching that contagion patient and sitting next to him. 

Now the same next day some people were kept near that patient saying that he is contagious and you have to take care of him tonight. And take care that you do not get contagion.Just because of the fear that they might get contagion, they became sick till morning.


It means to say that if the mind is strong then it makes man strong and if the mind is weak then it makes man weak. Winning of the mind leads to victory and defeat of the mind leads to defeat. Breaking the friendship of the mind with the senses, one should not by force, but by cleverness. 

The mind does not need to depend on anyone. He is free, he can come wherever he wants, he can go wherever he wants. But when this same mind gets entangled in the bondage of the world, starts getting attached to them, starts wishing to get material resources, then at that time he thinks that he will get happiness but in reality he is going closer to sorrows. .



Friends, real happiness is in the path of spirituality because in that path we get something or not, but we definitely get peace, the mind remains satisfied. One remains happy, walking on the path of spirituality does not only get happiness, but also gets the mine of happiness (God), 

and if one finds God, can he have any problem in life. Yes, it is possible that due to the ups and downs of life, he may be troubled, but always be troubled, it cannot be disturbed because the boat of life of those who live in the shelter of God may shake but can never drown.

But this is the mind, is it not - it never likes to be with such people, from which he can learn something, he can get this happiness. Such happiness, such happiness is obtained by living with people who believe in Saints, Mahatmas, Gurus and God.

By living in the midst of such people, bad thoughts automatically go out of the mind and the mind starts making such a resolution that it can attain God, it starts feeling them. 

Friends! Mind has no form. It (mind) assumes the form of what it thinks, that is, you will get the same image as you live with people. If you live with good, you will become good, bad with bad, killers with killers and terrorists with terrorists

Read more- What is the secret of happy life/What are the 62 steps to being happy  krishna says


It is written in the scriptures that God has said that whatever objects (bad thoughts) come in the mind, they all come through the senses. That is why a man should work by keeping his eyes, ears, nose, tongue etc. 

And man will be able to do this only when he makes his mind strong, makes him healthy. Spirituality is the only support for this. Because the mind is so fickle that it does not stay in one place. The mind always runs back from good deeds. 

The mind neither likes to go to the temple, nor follow the rules and religion, nor listen to the story, nor do fasting etc. To do this the mind has to be concentrated in one place. When the mind is mentally prepared, then the mind can be taken on the path of spirituality.



Friends ! You must have seen that in the rainy season, during the night, countless creatures keep hovering near the burning lamp. Have you ever wondered where did so many insects come from? The reason for this is the open windows of the houses. 

It means to say that the terror of many types of poisonous creatures (bad, insidious, false people etc.) is spread in this world. And not one or five windows of our human body are open. 

The first tongue - which is engaged in all kinds of tastes, the second eye - which is unworthy of form, the third nose - which keeps smelling of sensual creatures, the fourth window the ear - in which poisonous songs keep reverberating and the fifth window the mind - which is soft touch. Keeps deceiving.

Dear Readers! All these are the products of the earthly rainy season. In which this mind is like a lamp, which keeps peeping out of all the windows of the senses and draws the objects inside itself. 

In this way, we get surrounded by countless inauspicious creatures i.e. bad people. On getting to know, they become helpless and keep on suffering to escape.



Friends ! By keeping these senses of the body open, we cannot sleep peacefully. It is very important to close them. Therefore, first remove the external subjects from your mind and keep a tight watch on it so that it does not dominate the mind again, that is, follow patience. 

Bring good thoughts in your mind, sit with good people and get the company of learned saints. Just as we clean this outside filth, in the same way this filth of the mind should also be cleaned, we can win our mind only by winning from outside evils. but not

Now how will the mind be cleaned?, What is the filth of the mind? When this is known, then the mind will be clear. 

Friends. Still, ignore it and gradually this filth dominates the mind, even then it does not come out even after wanting to. 

So don't let it dominate your mind, improve your behavior. By doing bad to others, by wanting it is bad for yourself. So always be happy and let others be happy too.

Dear readers! Hope you liked the post. With this we stop our speech and pray to Lord shiva to make your life happy and keep your mind pure, do not let bad thoughts in your mind. 

Let it come Will see you again with the next post in devotionalstory. Till then Har Har Mahadev

Thank you

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