Auspicious results of cow service, a mythological story

Har Har Mahadev dear readers!  How are you guys, hope you are well, may you receive the immense blessings of Bholenath.

First story

 price of cow

 Once Maharishi Apastamba thought of worshiping God while immersed in water.  Therefore, he kept remembering God by immersing himself in the waters of Narmada and Matsya Sangam for twelve years.  Now he had become very dear to the creatures living in water.

Auspicious results of cow service, a mythological story

 Once upon a time many fishing sailors came there.  They spread the net there and pulled Maharishi along with the fishes.  When the sailors saw the sage, they became distraught with fear and fell at his feet and started asking for forgiveness.

 The sage saw that these sailors were killing the fish here on a large scale;  So they started thinking- Oh Lord!  This cruel oppression towards free living beings and their sacrifice for selfishness – this is such a sad thing.

 Who in this world is more cruel than him who does not pay attention to the creatures put into suffering by clairvoyant beings?

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 Even among the wise, the one who is interested only in his own interests is not the best;  Because when even the wise men are focused on selfishness, then to whom should the suffering beings of this world seek refuge?

 The person who wants to enjoy happiness alone is considered by Mumukshujan to be the biggest sinner.  Then what is the solution by which all their sins and penances are transferred to me and whatever virtue I have goes to them?

 The one who does not develop compassion in his heart even after seeing these poor, disabled and unhappy creatures, is not a human being but a demon.  

One who, despite being capable, does not protect the creatures in danger and in fear, suffers their sins;  Therefore, whatever happens, I will not give up the task of freeing these fishes from suffering and will not even choose salvation, leave alone heaven.'

 While the sage was thinking this, this strange news came to the king Nabhag there.  He ran to the spot along with his ministers and priests.  He worshiped the god-like Maharishi and asked – 'Maharaj!  What service should I do for you?'

Maharishi said- 'King!  These sailors earn their living with great sorrow.  They have done a lot of hard work by taking me out of the water.  Therefore, give them whatever is my fair value.  King said, 'I give these sailors one lakh gold coins in exchange for you.'

 Maharishi said - 'It is not right to fix my price at only one lakh pudras.  Whatever value I deserve, offer it to them.  King said, 'Then one crore should be given to these Nishads or even more can be given.'

Maharishi said - 'You think with the sages, millions of currencies or your kingdom - all this is not my fair value.'  Hearing the Maharishi's words, the king along with his ministers and priests became very worried.

 At this time the great ascetic Lomash Rishi came there.  He said, 'King!  Don't be afraid.  I will satisfy the sage.  You give a cow as price for them;  Because Brahmins are the best among all the castes.  Their value and that of the cows cannot be measured.

 Hearing the words of Lomash Muni ji, the unfortunate man became very happy and said with joy - 'Lord!  Get up, get up;  This is the best price offered to you.  Maharishi said, 'Now I wake up happily.  I do not see any other value greater than cow, which is most sacred and destroyer of sins.

 Cows have been described as the beginning, end and middle of the Yagya.  They provide milk, curd, ghee and nectar – everything.  These cows are the stepping stones to heaven.  

 Therefore, now these Nishadhas should go straight to heaven with these aquatic fishes.  I may see hell or reside in heaven, but whatever good deeds I perform, may all these unhappy beings attain auspiciousness.'

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 After that, due to the influence of Maharishi's good resolve and bright speech, all the fishes and sailors went to heaven. Through various teachings, Lomashji and Apastambaji made the king attain enlightenment and the king also adopted religious wisdom.  At last both Maharshi went to the ashram.

 Auspicious results of cow service

 There was friendship between Maharaj Dilip and Devraj Indra.  Dilip once went to heaven on Devraj's call.  While returning from there, Kamdhenu cow was found on the way. But Dilip did not see her due to his eagerness to come to earth.  He did not pay obeisance to Kamdhenu.

 Angered by this insult, Kamadhenu cursed - 'If my child does not show mercy, he will remain sonless.'  Maharaj Dilip had no idea about the curse.  But due to him not having any son, he himself, the queen and the people remained worried and sad.

 With the desire of having a son, the Vice Chancellor along with the Maharaj reached the ashram of Maharishi Vashishtha.  Hearing his prayer, Maharishi ordered - 'Stay in the ashram for some time and serve my Homa Dhenu Nandini Cow.'

 Maharaj accepted the Guru's orders.  The queen used to worship that cow thoroughly in the morning.  After the cow was harnessed, Maharaj used to go to the forest with that cow.  They used to walk behind him and use their clothes to blow away mosquitoes, flies etc. that were sitting on him.

He used to bring green grass with his own hands and feed it.  Caressing her body.  They would sit only after the cow sat down and would drink water only after the cow had finished drinking water.  

In the evening, when the cow returned from the forest, the queen used to worship it again.  She kept a ghee lamp near it at night.  Maharaj used to sleep on the ground near the cow at night.

 It has been a month since Maharaj Dilip has been serving the cows with utmost devotion and care.  On the last day of the month, he stood at a place in the forest to see the beauty of the trees.  Nandini went away grazing the cow grass. And he did not pay any attention to this.

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 Then suddenly they heard the sound of a cow screaming.  Dilip was startled and quickly walked towards where the sound was coming from.  When they reached that place, they were shocked.

 They saw that a strong lion was sitting on the cow holding it in his paws.  The cow is looking at him with a very timid look.  Dilip picked up the bow and wanted to shoot an arrow to kill the lion;  But that hand stuck to his forehead.

Auspicious results of cow service, a mythological story

 At this very moment the lion said in clear human language – 'King!  Don't do unnecessary business.  I am not an ordinary animal.  I am blessed by Goddess Parvati and she has appointed me to protect this cedar tree planted by her hands.  The animals that come here on their own are my food.

 Maharaj Dilip said- 'You are my Indian because you are the servant of Jaganmata, I salute you.  Even walking seven steps with good men leads to friendship.  Please be kind to me.  Leave this cow of my Guru and make my body food to get rid of hunger.

 Lion said in surprise, 'What kind of thing are you talking about?'  You are young, a king and you enjoy all the pleasures.  Thus, your sacrifice is not wise in any way.  You can give thousands of cows to your Guru in exchange of one cow.  

 The king humbly said- 'Lord!  I have no attachment to the body and no desire to enjoy pleasures.  If the cow given for my protection is killed while I am there, my life will be in shame.  Instead of doing favor to my body, please protect my religion.  Make my fame and my duty safe.

Lion tried hard to convince the king;  But when he did not give up his request, he said - 'Good thing!  I need food.  If you want to give your body then I will spare this cow.

As soon as the lion said this, the king released his hand stuck to his forehead.  He took off the bow and arrows and kept them away and sat on the ground with his head bowed.  But in victory, the lion jumped on the king to eat him, and immediately flowers started raining from the sky.

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 And then the king heard the voice of Nandini cow - 'Son!  get up .  To test you, I had created this scene with my illusion.  Milk my milk and drink it in the mouth of a leaf.  With this you will get a bright son.

 Dilip got up.  There was no lion anywhere there.  He prostrated before Nandini cow.  And with folded hands he said – 'Goddess!  Your milk has the right of your calf first and then Gurudev.  On reaching the ashram, when your calf is satisfied after drinking the milk, then with Gurudev's permission, I can drink your milk.

 Nandini became even more pleased with Dilip's religious devotion.  She returned to the ashram.  Maharishi Vashishtha also became very happy after hearing everything.  Taking his permission, Dilip drank cow's milk.  As a result of cow service, he got a mighty son.

 Cow donation for forest journey 

 It is famous about Lord Shri Ram that he was not even an iota sad or worried during his forest journey.  On the contrary, their joy and enthusiasm had increased.

At that time, like Kubera, he had looted the wealth of the Brahmins.  He gave enough money to each of his servants to survive for fourteen years (throughout his entire period of exile).  Even after this, when there was money left in his treasury, he called his treasurer and distributed all the money among the children, old brahmins and the destitute.

 In those days, a Garga Gautriya Brahmin named Trijat lived in Ayodhya.  He had no means of livelihood.  His body had become very thin and pale.  His wife said 'Nath!  You go and meet Shri Ramchandraji;  He is a very knowledgeable person, he will definitely make some arrangement for us.

 After listening to his wife, Trijat came to Shri Ram Bhadra.  At that time, he was ready to go to the forest and his 'forest yatra charity festival' was going on.  Trijat did not know any of this.  He approached him and said – O Prince!  I am poor, I have many children.  Please consider my condition and look kindly on me.

 Hearing her words and seeing her weakness, the Lord thought of a joke even at this time.  He said to Trijat – 'Vipravar!  Throw your stick as far as you can.  As far as your stick reaches, you can consider the cows as yours.

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 Now Trijat quickly gathered the flaps of the dhoti and fixed them.  He used all his strength and threw the stick with great force.  Thanda crossed Saryu and fell among thousands of cows.  

 God embraced Trijat and even sent the cows to his ashram.  He apologized to him and said- 'Brahmin God, don't feel bad;  I said that thing only jokingly.

 The Brahmin was happy.  He thanked Shri Ram and said- Oh Lord!  I have no complaint with you.  Because if you had not done this, how would I have had the courage and how would I have been able to support my family.  Therefore there is no need for you to apologise.

 In this way, that Brahmin took care of his family by serving the won cows and finally attained heaven.

Dear readers, how did you like the stories?  Please express your opinion.  With this we take leave.  Will meet again in the next story with the devotional story. 

Till then, keep laughing, smiling and remembering God.  

Thank you - Har Har Mahadev 

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