Who will give to the one who gives to everyone?

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers!  May you receive the immense blessings of Bholenath.

Who will give to the one who gives to everyone?

Happy life

Dear readers! You must have often seen in homes that most people start their program by lighting a diya or lamp. And we all also light lamps in the house. 

It is believed that lighting a lamp is auspicious. It is also believed that if a diya is extinguished, it is inauspicious. Therefore, if the flame of the diya starts flickering, we immediately run and protect the flame.

Which diya is auspicious when lit? And which diya is inauspicious when extinguished? Because if the flame of that earthen diya gets extinguished then nothing inauspicious will happen in the house. 

But the diya that we are talking about, if it gets extinguished it will make a lot of difference, so which is that diya? Friends! The diya that we are talking about is Diya, which means giving. 

Diya means 'giving'.

I give love. I give respect. I give happiness. When this diya is put off, life becomes inauspicious. But we start saying- I want. I want. I want. That means when we keep on wanting things, life becomes inauspicious. When we keep on giving, life remains auspicious. Every house needs a diya, needs a giver.

That means every house needs a person who is ready to give love and respect. He doesn't want anything. Are you ready to become a diya in your house? Just remember the people around you and see what you want from them. 

What is special in kalyug?What will happen to the world in 2025?

Just close your eyes and see. We don't want anything from anyone. We have everything. We keep on wanting things without any reason. Bring your family members on the screen of your mind.

They may be older or younger than you in terms of body. But each of them is a soul. So bring your family and people from your workplace on the screen of your mind. 

Gives transparent image

Looking at everyone, form one thought- I am a giver. Repeat again that I am the soul, the giver. I am a giver of love, respect and happiness. I don't want anything from anyone. I don't need anything from them. Are you sure?  Yes. This needs to be done every day.

This will change our way of thinking. We have everything. Happiness and peace are our sanskars. Power is our sanskars. But instead of using them we stand on the wanting side of things. And then we casually say that lighting a diya makes life auspicious. 

From today onwards we need to light the inner diya daily. And everyday we need to tell ourselves that I the soul am a giver, all day today. I am the diya in our house. Don't look at the age or status of the other person. I give unconditionally to everyone.

Who will give to the one who gives to everyone?

Who will give to the one who gives to everyone? When we give something to people, we will be the first person to receive it. Understand carefully – when we are angry at someone, who will be the first person to receive that energy?

Just imagine a person getting angry at another. One person is getting angry and this other person is receiving it. So whose blood pressure will increase? The one who generates the anger or the one who is receiving it? 

Obviously, the one who generates the anger. Whose heart rate will increase? The one who generates anger. Whose mind will remain disturbed? The one who generates anger.

What about the one who is receiving anger? The one who is receiving anger has only one choice. He can either receive it or reject it. The one who gives anger has no choice.

God has given us a mantra that there is reception in giving. Whatever energy you give, you will first receive that too while giving. Like – when we are giving anger to someone then first we receive it. 

When we give it to them then they have an option to accept or reject it. Sometimes when we are angry at someone, they are smiling. 

And this happens because they have got used to our anger now. So after listening you will say to yourself – now this person will lecture me for 5 minutes.

When he is done with his lecture, I can go back to work. It is better to let him speak. At least for today my quota of venting out their anger will be over. They get used to it. 

So they will not receive our anger. And it will also keep their blood pressure normal. Because they are on the receiving side. The receiver will have the option to take it or leave it.

That is why we have said that the one who gives anger will not have any choice. The one who receives it always has a choice. So if we get angry, we are the ones who receive it first and harm our own health. Similarly, when we give respect to someone, who will receive it first? We will receive it first.

Similarly, when we talk to someone lovingly, first of all we receive the energy of love.  When we forgive someone's mistakes from our heart and stop talking, first of all we will feel comfortable.

Try it yourself and see. Anyone may have had an incident in the past, a fight and still feel the pain. You have not forgotten it. That day you told yourself - I will never forget this. Such things happen, right? 

When we keep that incident in our mind, the mind becomes agitated. And the vibration of the pain that we have kept with us keeps spreading in our body throughout the day.

If we hold on to pain, fear or hatred for many years, its effect spreads in the body for years. Due to which the body develops diseases. Spots and blemishes are not formed in the body first, they are first formed in the mind. 

Taming Anger: Finding Inner Peace

The things that we have held in our mind, they appear in the form of pain in the body after some years. So forgive people. What they did that day was according to their sanskaar, nature and state of mind.

I want to end that conversation today. If someone does wrong to us, whether it is a small mistake or a big one, can we not bless them instead of hatred and anger? It will be a little difficult but not impossible.

When someone does wrong to us, can we think bad about them? Can we think good or bad about them? What they did to us was their karma. My thoughts about them do not depend on their behavior or karma. My thoughts depend on me. My sanskar and my nature are my own.

Suppose someone has harmed me. It was a great loss for me. They spread wrong messages about me. So basically they were wrong to me. One way of thinking of most people would be that whatever they did to me, the same should happen to them. 

May God grant that they also suffer a great loss. Can't we think instead? May God's powers and blessings always be with them. Which of the two ways of thinking is easier?

When they do wrong deeds and we also create wrong, negative thoughts then where will the wrong thoughts go? They will get recorded in our mind. Our wrong thoughts will not harm them. Our wrong thoughts will harm us. 

Their behavior was wrong. But my wrong thoughts will affect my physical health. Because of their wrong deeds, why should we harm ourselves? So if they do wrong deeds, can we think right for them? Think and answer by commenting.

Can we think well of them? It is easy to think wrong. After all, it is just a thought. It is also very easy to think right. After all, it is just a thought. But however we choose to think, however we choose to speak - it will be recorded in the mind.

This will form my present. And if today I, the soul, leave the body, it will come with me. When we leave the body, many people come to the funeral, they say - this person has gone empty handed. What did he take with him? 

They say - he came empty handed and he went away empty handed. God teaches us that we neither came empty handed nor went out empty handed. 

We came with our karmas and sanskaars. We will carry our karmas and sanskaars with us. Whoever did wrong to me will be left behind, his karma will also be left behind.

But how I thought about it - it will go with me. So we should not harm ourselves because of the mistakes of others. Can we think right if people are not right to us? 

Yes - it is very easy. We just need to remember that who will benefit when we think right? I will benefit from it. How will I benefit? My soul's battery will remain charged. My body will remain healthy. My relations will remain harmonious.

Whatever deeds he did, God's blessings were with him, because everyone has to suffer the consequences of their deeds. Our deeds create our destiny. 

When someone does a wrong deed, he writes loss in his destiny. But by creating hatred towards that person, we write a destiny of pain for ourselves.

The other option we have is that we can create a beautiful destiny for ourselves by forgiving them. Their actions will not create our destiny. 

Our thoughts and actions will create our destiny. Let us end all matters of the past while we are here today. We will not take it with us when we leave this place. It will impact our destiny.

The mind is ours. If we tell our mind – I will never forget this incident. Then the mind will never forget it. But if we tell our mind – this matter is over. Then our mind will really close that matter.

If I ask you what you had for dinner last Sunday night, most people will not remember. But 10 years ago that day she wore that dress, and she said such and such things to me. 

We remember all that. So we need to ask ourselves why we don't remember what happened 4 days ago, but we remember the incident of 10 years ago. 

This is because last Sunday when you had dinner you did not tell your mind - Don't forget what I ate now. Remember what I had for dinner tonight. Otherwise the mind will remember that. What I mean to say is -

When that incident happened 10 years ago, we said to ourselves – I will never forget this. We also recalled it every few days. We also told other people about that incident. Every time we repeated it, it got recorded in our mind, in our words and in our mind.

So firstly when ever something wrong happens with us we need to take care of one aspect that is don't discuss it with other people. Discussing it will only intensify the matter. So first don't bring it in words and for few days connect with God and make a thought for them(whoever you have hatred against). Thought of blessing. 

Like - I don't have any bitterness in my mind. Within 5 to 10 days all this will vanish from the mind. Because I don't want that when I leave the body i.e. soul then my soul should be sad. I don't want to take anything unpleasant in my journey.

We must not carry forward unpleasant thoughts. Otherwise such sanskars and thoughts of mind will come with us during the journey (last moment). We want to make our present beautiful. If the present is beautiful then our future will surely be beautiful. So learn to forgive people. 

Forgiving is very easy. You may definitely face difficulty in doing this but believe me - after doing this the mind will feel very comfortable, light and happy. 

Happy life

So when other people say that forgiving is very difficult, then you should not pay attention to what people say. Because if we keep on saying that forgiving is very difficult, then it will keep on becoming difficult.

But if you say to yourself for 4 days – forgiving is the easiest thing. It is just a thought. How can it be difficult to create a thought? It doesn't cost money and it doesn't cost effort. It is just a thought. 

But the world says it is difficult. They also say – maybe we will forgive. But we will never forget what he did to us. So when we say we can't forget something, we will never forget it.

Just tell yourself for 4 days that you have forgotten the matter. Even if the other person asks you not to make the mistake, tell yourself - I have forgotten. Within 4 days, it will be removed from the mind. This is just a game of our mind.

What is Raja Yoga?

Raja Yoga is a type of meditation. It gives us the way to create pure thoughts in every situation. Because our thoughts do not depend on the behavior of other people. They depend only on us. 

If we want to be happy always, we just need to do one thing. Make sure your thoughts, words and behavior are such that they are a blessing to other people. In that process we also earn blessings.

But if we say unpleasant things, if we gossip about someone, if we spread rumors then our own karma will not let us be happy. So we should have only one aim throughout the day. 

I need to give happiness to everyone I need to bless everyone I need to earn and in the evening I need to bring blessings home.

Nobody's evil eye can harm us. It is the return of our own karma that comes to us. To change your destiny and eliminate problems, raise your karma to remove obstacles. People around us can behave in different ways.

But which era are we in? It is called Kalyug. By reading the newspaper in the morning, we feel that this is intense Kalyug. We call it Ghor Kalyug. 

For those who are using the rituals of Kalyug in their lives, this is intense Kalyug. But while living in the same Kalyug, if we elevate our rituals, then we can create our own Satyug.

will everyone die at the end of kaliyuga

Itwill everyone die at the end of kaliyuga is our choice. Kalyug and Satyug are not outside. They are inside each and every one of us. If I harbor hatred, malice and anger, my life will experience Kalyug. But if I forgive someone, even if someone does wrong to me, my soul will always be Satyug. 

They will live in Kalyug and we will live in Satyug even though we are here in Kalyug. We will stand opposite each other but our lives will be lived in different Yugas. So we have to choose which Yuga to live in.

Those souls (humans) who always keep giving something or the other are called gods and goddesses. There should always be a feeling of giving only. Whoever we worship today, they are all donors. In nature also, we worship every thing that gives us.

Whom do we worship in nature?

Sun, water, fire, cow, tulsi plant means we are worshipping those who give us something or the other without asking. Are those who take heat, water from the sun not worshipped, those who give are worshipped. 

Means a giver rises so high due to his sanskaars and deeds that other person will bow to him. Because he is a soul giver.Satyug is the age of giving.Kalyug is the age of lack. Actually Kaliyug is not made about wanting. It is about snatching.

Meaning of Swastik


Draw Swastika in your mind. It is a symbol of goodness. How is it drawn? Just like the picture above. It has four quadrants. It represents our identity.

Check out its four parts.

In the first quadrant the hand is shown like this. -This position represents a blessing hand.

In the second quadrant the hand is facing downwards. Which means we are no longer blessing.

In the third quadrant the hand is held like this, which symbolizes desire.

In the fourth quadrant the hand is held like this, it shows that we are ready to hit.

The first quadrant represents Satya Yuga.

The second quadrant represents Treta Yuga.

The third quadrant represents Dwapara Yuga.

The fourth quadrant represents Kalyug.

What will come after KalyugaAfter Kalyug, there will be Satya Yuga again. This is a cycle. This is a cycle of four yugas.

Who will change it from Kalyug to Satyug?

We will bring the Satyug. It is very simple. How will we bring it? The world will be like our sanskars. Our sanskars create our world.

When we used the sanskars of anger and hatred, we created Kalyug.

When we use forgiveness, love, blessings, good deeds, Satyug will be created.

When will our Satyug start?

From today, from now, from this moment.

When we and you read this post and act upon it, please remember that others are living in Kaliyug and we are living in Satyug. 

Whether our life becomes heaven or hell does not depend on others. It depends on our thoughts, words and behavior. Make your life and your home a heaven. Heaven on earth will automatically become a reality.

Hope you liked the post. Do share your views. With this I end my speech. Wishing Lord Shiva for the well-being of your life, I bid farewell. 

May Lord Shiva bless you in every way. May he make your path easy. We will meet again with the next post in the devotional story. 

Thank you.

Har Har Mahadev 

Jay Shri Radhe-Krishna 

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