When is an impotent and defective child born (Garbha Upanishad)

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, How are you all, hope you are fine 

When is an impotent and defective child born (Garbha Upanishad) 

When is an impotent and defective child born (Garbha Upanishad)

What is Garbha Upanishad or Garbhopanishad? 

Friends! There are 108 Upanishads in our religious scriptures. One of those texts is Garbha Upanishad. The name of the author of this Upanishad is Pippalad Muni

This Upanishad is very small but it is very important. Garbha Upanishad gives information about all the conditions from the time a fetus (child) comes into the womb to its birth

Apart from this, the balance of juices, dhatu, vata pitta and kapha in the child's body has been explained very simply.  

For your information friends, let me tell you that when Pippalad Muni composed Garbha Upanishad, he did not have any modern technology at that time.

Just like in today's time, every condition inside the stomach can be seen by peeping, however, it was not possible at that time. 

Today, we can clearly see the condition of the womb with our own eyes and understand the process inside the stomach through ultrasound, YouTube, etc.

It is surprising that such equipments were not available centuries ago, yet Pippalad Muni explained the truth of womb in such a clear manner that today in the future it is being proved right.

Today in this post we have brought some important questions from the Garbha Upanishad texts. So let's read today's post without delay

First of all we know what the body is made of?

Chiti Jal Pavak Gagan Sameera.

panchattv rachit adham sharira .

That means friends! This body is made up of Panchabhutas 1. Earth 2. Water 3. Agni 4. Sky and 5. Air

What are the five elements? 

1. Earth- Whatever is solid. 

2. Water- Whatever is liquid. 

3. Agni- Body heat. 

4. Vayu- All movements of the body and within it. 

5. Sky- The place in which the body is located and the cavities and tubes inside the body.

What are the roles of these Panchabhutas? 

1. To be the basis for the earth, things. 

2. Water, add (like dry soil particles when it gets mixed with water, they stick together). 

3. Fire makes objects visible. 

4. Air causes motion. 

5. The sky gives space.

Five Gyanendriyas and Five Karmendriyas (Ten senses)

Five Gyanendriyas

1. Eyes for seeing.

2. Ears for hearing.

3. Tongue for tasting.

4. Nose for smelling.

5. Skin for feeling touch.

Five Karmendriyas

1. Mouth for speaking.

2. Hands for holding and lifting.

3. Legs for walking.

4. Anus for defecation.

5. Genitals for procreation.

Four internal organs or senses or conscience!

1. Intellect to understand and determine.

2. Mind to think and imagine.

3. Chitta to remember.

4. Ego - to have the notion of I and mine.

Six tastes described by Pippalad Muni!.

1. Sweet

2. Sour

3. Salty

4. Bitter

5. Spicy

6. Astringent

These are not just tastes. The functioning of the body depends on them.

For example, excess sweetness in the body causes diabetes.

Too much spiciness can cause ulcers.

The pH value of the body should be between 7.35 - 7.45 which largely depends on Amla juice.

This is why the body is said to be dependent on Shadashraya or six.

Six changes in the state of the body and six chakras of the body!

1. Formation in the womb- Mooladhar

2. Birth- Swadhisthana

3. Growth- Manipur

4. Maturity- Anahat

5. Decay- Vishuddhi

6. Death- Aagya

These chakras are the centers of prana activities inside the body.

Seven types of sounds Garbhopanishad

1. Shadaj - Sa

2. Rishabh - Re

3. Gandhar - Ga

4. Madhyam - Ma

5. Pancham P

6. Thaivat - Dha

7. Nishad - Ni

Colours of the body's dhatu and how are they formed?

1. Rasa - White - Blood is formed from the essence of food.

2. Blood - Red - Flesh is formed from blood.

3. Flesh - Black - Fat is formed from flesh.

4. Fat - Smoke - Bones are formed from fat.

5. Bone - Yellow - Marrow from bone.

6. Marrow - Brown - Semen from marrow.

7. Semen - Yellowish white

Read more- Can I read Bhagavad Gita during pregnancy?

Formation of embryo and various stages of development!

The semen of the man combines with the blood of the woman to form the embryo.

1. The embryo is liquid on the first night.

2. In seven days it becomes like a bubble.

3. In fifteen days it becomes round.

 4. It becomes firm in one month.

5. Head is formed in two months.

6. Legs are formed in three months.

7. Stomach and ankles are formed in the fourth month.

8. Spine and back are formed in the fifth month.

9. Face, nose, eyes and ears are formed in the sixth month.

10. Soul enters the body in the seventh month.

11. By the eighth month all the organs are fully developed.

Determination of the sex of the child!

If the semen is more powerful then a boy will be born. If the blood is more powerful then a girl will be born. And if both are equal then a eunuch will be born.

Pay attention friends!

Eunuch is only a gender, not a defect.

There is a provision of three genders in Sanskrit language!

How is a defective child born?

If the parents have any tension or worry at the time of intercourse then a defective child is born.

A prime example of this is the Mahabharata. Yes! Friends it is said that once when Ved Vyas was eager to have sex with Ambika for the purpose of having a child, then out of fear Ambika closed her eyes and this is why Ambika's son Dhritrashtra was born blind. 

And Ambalika had turned pale out of fear due to which when her son Pandu was born, he had jaundice and there was anemia in his body. 

Besides this, if sex is done at the time of eclipse, then also a defective child is born.

On what does the nature of the child depend?

If the intercourse is pleasant and blissful then the child will get all the good qualities of the father and mother.

The place, time, action and pleasure of intercourse affect the nature of the child.

Friends! It is also mentioned in the Puranas that when Kashyap Muni's wife once asked him to have sex with her, he refused. He said that this was not the right time for sex. 

But his wife did not agree, then Kashyap Muni had sex even though he did not want to, due to which despite being a virtuous monk, the evil son of the demon Hiranyakashipu was born in his house.

How are twins born?

Twins are born due to the division of semen or blood.  If only one of the sperms or blood splits, the twins will be of the same sex. If both split, unequal-sex twins are born. If either the sperms or blood splits into more than two, so Accordingly, more than two children are born.

What happens to the fetus in the ninth month?

The body composed of the five elements is fully developed. The sensory organs are formed. At this stage the fetus has deep intelligence. It remembers the eternal and infinite Omkar. The eight prakrutis (natures) become active in the body.

The root nature, the great ego and the sixteen disorders become active in the Panchabhuta body. They are as follows

The five sense organs,

The five action organs,

The five pranas

And the inner conscience.

The prana completely enters the fetus through the umbilical cord through the mother's blood.

Then it remembers the previous births and also remembers the actions done and those left incomplete.

It discriminates between right and wrong.

Then the fetus thinks

I have seen thousands of wombs.

I have sucked thousands of breasts.

I have tasted thousands of different foods.

I have taken birth in places all over the world.

 I have died in many places all over the world.

I have been born in 84 lakh different species.

I am caught in this eternal cycle of rebirth.

Birth and death, birth and death, birth and death keep happening…

There is suffering within the womb.

Every birth is full of confusion and suffering.

In childhood there is dependence on others, ignorance, suffering, not doing beneficial work, and doing harmful work.

During adulthood, there is attachment to sensual pleasures,

and three kinds of suffering: due to external objects and beings, due to self-inflicted, and due to supernatural forces. In old age there are unfulfilled desires, fear of death, anxiety, lack of freedom, and anger.

Being born is the beginning of all these.

I have not been able to get out of the cycle of rebirth.

I have not received the teaching of wisdom and yoga.

I am drowned in this ocean of suffering.

I do not know how to get out of it. Shame on my ignorance.

Shame on the troubles caused by attachment!

Shame on the troubles caused by hatred!

Shame on this worldly life.

I will receive wisdom from guru.

I will practice Sankhya Yoga.

It will free me from all bondages.

It will end all my troubles.

When I come out of the womb, I will take refuge in Maheshwara.

He will give me the means to achieve the four goals of life: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

I will take refuge in Chidatma, the Lord of the universe.

He is the root of all forces.

He is behind everything that happens.

When I come out of the womb, I will take refuge in Bhaarga.

He is the light of the universe.

He is the Lord of all beings, living and non-living.

He is Rudra, Mahadeva and Jagadguru.

When I come out of the womb, I will perform tapasya.

When I come out of the womb, I will worship Vishnu.

He gives the nectar of bliss.

He is Narayana, without loss.

Now I am trapped in this womb.

When I come out of the womb, I will concentrate on the great Vasudeva.

I will never take my mind off Him.

All those who have benefited from my past actions have disappeared.

Only I am left to suffer the consequences of my actions.

I have been an unbeliever.

I never thought that I would have to suffer the consequences of my actions alone.

Now, I know that this is true.

The soul of the fetus keeps thinking like this. He becomes disgusted by his desires, ignorance and worldly activities.

What happens at the time of birth?

Being born is the beginning of all these.

At this stage the fetus wants to come into the mouth of the womb. There he suffers a lot. He is outside when he has to come out of the throat of the womb. 

He is tormented by the prasutti vayu. As soon as the child comes out he comes in contact with the Vaishnavi vayu.

The Vaishnavi vayu erases all the memories of past births. He loses his foresight. He loses his ability to see the truth.  

As soon as he comes in contact with the earth, the child is ready to cry. The tears of the first cry wash away all other memories. His ability to distinguish between right and wrong ends.

Description of Tridosha and Agni of the body

Vata, Pitta and Kapha should be in a balanced state in the body. Otherwise, they cause diseases.

Pitta is the fire of the body. One will be able to think correctly only when there is the right amount of Pitta. Mental illnesses occur when there is excess of Pitta.

There are three types of Agni in the body.

Gyanagni- Energy responsible for the processes of mind and intellect.

Darshanaagni- Energy that receives information through the sensory organs.

Koshtaagni- Energy that digests food.

Structure of Human Body

The skull is made up of 4 bones. There are 16 teeth in each row. There are 107 marmas…72 nadis. Three of them are most important: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

The food is converted into Rasa, Urine and Faeces. Semen and Shonit are formed from food. All activities inside the body including blood circulation take place with the help of Vata (air).

Initially, the prana of the foetus is at the Ajna Chakra. When it is ready for delivery, it descends and settles at the Anahat Chakra.

There are four and a half crore hairs.

The weight of the heart is eight pala (192 grams).

The weight of the tongue is twelve pala (96 grams).

The weight of bile in the body is one prastha (768 grams).

The weight of phlegm is one aadhak (3 kg 73 grams).

The weight of marrow is two prastha (1536 grams).

The weight of semen is one kudav (192 grams).

After knowing all this, one should develop detachment and try to attain salvation.

Dear readers, we hope you liked the stories. We will meet again in devotional story with such interesting, informative and true stories. Till then keep laughing, keep smiling and keep sharing happiness with others.

Thank you

Jai Shri Sita Ram

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