if you have faith god is near

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers! How are you all? We hope you are well. 

Today's story is based on faith. This story tells that nothing is better than faith. If you have unwavering faith in your heart, then anyone can be brought under your control.

There are many such examples like Shabri forced Shri Ram to come with her unwavering faith, Haridas forced Shri Krishna to come, etc. So friends, let's read today's post without any delay.

If you have faith god is near

After losing everything in gambling to Duryodhan, the Pandavas started living in Kamyak forest with Draupadi. ​​But Duryodhan's mind was not at peace. He was always worried about how to completely destroy the Pandavas.

Coincidentally, one day Maharishi Durvasa came to his place and stayed there for a few days. Duryodhan satisfied him with his service. While leaving, Maharishi asked him to ask for a boon.

Duryodhan humbly said- 'Maharishi! Pandavas are our elder brothers. If you are pleased with me, then I want that just as you have made me happy by giving me an opportunity to serve you, similarly give my elder brothers an opportunity to serve you at least for one day.

But I wish that you should accept hospitality there along with all your disciples and you should arrive there when Queen Draupadi has finished her meal, so that my brothers do not have to remain hungry for long.'

if you have faith god is near

The thing was that when the Pandavas went to the forest, many Brahmins, compelled by their love, also went with them. Somehow they did not return. It was difficult to arrange food for so many people in the forest. Therefore, Dharmaraj Yudhishthira pleased Surya Narayan by performing penance and praying.

Surya Dev gave a vessel to Yudhishthira and said- 'By cooking food in it by bringing tubers and vegetables from the forest, that food will become inexhaustible. Thousands of people can be fed from it until Draupadi eats her meal. When Draupadi eats her meal, nothing will be left in the vessel that day.'

Duryodhan knew this. That is why he requested Durvasaji to go to the Pandavas' place after Draupadi had finished her meal. Sage Durvasa accepted his request and left from there.

Now Duryodhan became very happy. He understood that the Pandavas will not be able to give them food and the very angry sage will definitely curse them and destroy them. This is a clear example of bad intentions.

Maharishi Durvasa had already given his word to Duryodhan. One day, he reached the Pandavas in Kamyak forest after noon with a crowd of ten thousand disciples. Dharmaraja Yudhishthira and his brothers stood up and prostrated before the Maharishi and requested him to sit on a seat.

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Maharishi said- 'King! May you be blessed. We are all hungry and we have not even had our mid-day meal yet. Please arrange for our food. We will soon come back after taking bath in the nearby lake and finishing our evening prayers.'

Dharmaraj folded his hands and said politely - Of course Gurudev! Please come soon after finishing your evening prayers.' But when Durvasaji left with his disciples, Yudhishthira and his brothers became pale with worry.

When he called Draupadi and asked her, he found out that she had already eaten her meal. It was certain that the very short-tempered Durvasaji would curse and burn her to ashes if he did not get food and there was no way to give him food.

Seeing her husbands worried, Draupadi said, 'Why do you people worry? Shyamsundar will make all the arrangements.'

Dharamraj said- 'If Shri Krishnachandra was here then there would have been no need to worry, but now he has met us and has gone to Dwarka with his family. His chariot might not have reached Dwarka yet.'

Draupadi said with conviction- 'Where does he come and go? Which is the place where he is not? He is right here and will come back any minute.'

Draupadi quickly went to the hut and started calling out to the people-savior Artinashan Madhusudan in her mind.

The Pandavas saw that Dwarkadhish's Garudadhwaj chariot drawn by four white horses came at great speed and the chariot had hardly stopped when the peacock-crowned Shri Krishna jumped from it. But this time he neither bowed to anyone nor gave anyone an opportunity to bow to him.

He went straight to the hut and said eagerly as if he was very hungry - 'Sister Krishna! I am very hungry, please give me some food quickly.'

You have come brother! I knew that you would come soon!' It was as if Draupadiji had a new lease of life. She got up in a hurry and said, 'Wait a little brother, we have to give food to Maharishi Durvasa...

First give me food. Then say anything else. I am unable to stand because of hunger.' Today Shyamsundar was extremely hungry.

But I have already eaten. I have washed and kept the utensils given by the Sun God. Now where is the food? This poor sister of yours has called you to arrange for food.' Draupadi was looking at the face of that playful person in amazement.

Don't make up stories! I am very hungry. Where is that utensil? Give it to me.' It was as if Shri Krishnachandra did not hear anything. Draupadi silently picked up the utensil and gave it to him.

Krishna took the vessel and looked inside it. He found and took out a tiny piece of vegetable leaf stuck inside the vessel and holding it in his red fingers said- 'You said that there is nothing. What is this? This will satisfy the hunger of the whole world.'

if you have faith god is near

Draupadi kept watching silently and the Dwarkadish put the vegetable leaf in his mouth saying - 'May the world soul be satisfied with this' and that was it, he burped. When the world soul Shri Krishnachandra burped in satisfaction, how could anyone in the world remain unsatisfied now?

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While bathing in the lake there, Maharishi Durvasa and his disciples encountered a very strange situation. Each one of them started burping repeatedly. Everyone felt that their stomachs were filled to the brim with food. They started looking at each other in surprise.

Seeing his and his disciples' condition, Durvasaji said- 'I am remembering the incident of Ambrish. Pandavas are in the forest, they are already short of food, our coming here was inappropriate and now we will not be able to eat food.

If his food goes waste, he can get angry and destroy us all in a moment, because he is a devotee of God. Now there is only one way, that we all run away from here quietly.'

When the Guru himself wants to run away, how can the disciples stay? When Durvasa Muni ran away with his disciples, he did not even think of stopping on earth. He went straight to Brahmaloka and stood there.

Shyamsundar came out smiling after eating a vegetable leaf from the hut of the Pandavas. Now he greeted Dharmaraj and while sitting ordered Sahadev to call Maharishi Durvasa for food.

Sahadev went and returned alone after some time. He would have met Maharishi and his disciples if they were alive. They were no longer on earth.

Now it is not known when Durvasaji will suddenly come.' Dharamraj again started worrying; because it was well known that Durvasaji used to leave after asking someone to prepare food and return sometimes at midnight, sometimes after many days, at any time. As soon as he returns, he wants food, if there is any delay, then he knows only one thing - to curse.

They will never even look here. They came here at the instigation of the evil-minded Duryodhan.' The ultimate protector of the Pandavas, Shri Krishna Chandra, explained the entire incident to them and made them worry-free and then after bidding them farewell, he came to Dwarka.

That is why it is said friends! If you have strong faith in your heart, then God is not far away but near us. When we call him, he will come running. Just like when Draupadi called him, he returned from mid-way.

The Leanest Hope

This story is based on hope and desire.

Tulsi is a wonderful deity and the name of the goddess. 

Seeing this sorrow, Abhiram turned away.

Once Yudhishthira asked Bhishmaji, 'Grandfather! What is hope and what is its form? Please tell me.

It is often seen that all men keep working with great hope; but when they do not get success in that work or the work is stopped midway due to some reason, they become disappointed or commit suicide. Why is this so, Pitamah?

On this, Bhishma Pitamah said that in this regard I will tell you the story of Rajarshi Sumitra and Rishabh Muni, listen carefully because the answer to your question is hidden in it.

The Leanest Hope

Once King Sumitra of the Haihayavanshi dynasty went hunting. There he saw a deer. He shot an arrow at it. The deer ran away with the arrow and the king also chased the deer. The deer kept running through high and low places, rivers, leaves, forests and uneven terrain.

The king was also chasing the deer with all his might. But he could not catch the deer. At last, after wandering in the dense forest, the king suddenly reached the ashram of the ascetics.

Seeing the king tired and hungry and thirsty, the sages welcomed him as per the custom and then asked him the reason for his visit there.

The king said, 'I am a king named Sumitra born in the Haihaya clan. I have reached here while chasing a deer while hunting. I am extremely tired, disappointed and have lost my way. What could be more painful for me than this?

Although at this time I am devoid of all the royal attributes like umbrella, fan etc., and am also separated from home, city and the entire natural world, yet I am not as sad about all these as I am feeling due to the shattering of this hope (due to the deer slipping away from my hands).

O great man! You people are wise and know everything. I want to know what is the nature and characteristics of this difficult hope which seems bigger than the ocean, the Himalayas and the infinite sky? If there is no objection, please tell me.

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On this, one of the sages named Rishabh said - "King Singh! Once while on a pilgrimage, I went towards the ashram of Nar-Narayan in Badri forest. I was looking for a place to stay near the ashram when I saw a sage named Kushtanu.

He was eight times thinner than any other normal person. Rajendra! I have never seen such a thin body. His body was just the size of a little finger. His hands, legs, neck, head, ears, eyes, all the other parts were in the same shape as the body. But his speech and gestures (body movements) were normal.

I got scared after seeing that Brahmin God and became very sad. I bowed to him and slowly sat on the seat given by him. The sage started narrating religious stories. Meanwhile a king named Veerdyumna also reached there.

His only son Bhuridyumna was lost in hunting. He expressed his hope and concern about him to Krisha Muni and sought information about him.

Kris Muni said that he had disrespected a sage and disappointed him, that is why he was in this condition. Hearing this, Veerdyumna became sad and disappointed.

Krish Muni then said, 'King! Give up bad hopes. I have decided that the one who has been conquered by hope is weak; the one who has conquered hope is truly strong.'

On this Veerdyumna said - 'Maharaj! Is this hope even weaker than yours? I have big doubts on this matter.' The sage said - 'King! Who despite having power does not help others, does not respect worthy people, the bad hope of that devout man is weaker than mine.

The hope that a father with one son has when his son goes abroad or is forgotten or is not found is weaker than mine. The hope that is found in ungrateful, cruel, lazy and harmful men is far weaker than mine.

Hearing all this, the king fell at the sage's feet and prayed for his son to come back. The sage smiled and brought him back immediately with his yogic and spiritual powers. He again showed his wonderful divine and religious form and went elsewhere in the forest.

Therefore, a very weak bad hope is worth abandoning completely. That is, if one does not get success in getting something or even after doing some work, then it is appropriate to abandon such success, hope, desire. Otherwise the same hope becomes painful for the person.

Dear readers! Hope you like the story. With similar ancient truth stories, we will meet again in the Devotional Story. Till then you keep laughing, keep smiling and keep remembering the Lord. 


Har Har Mahadev

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