kamrup illusive women of Assam used to exploit men, a mysterious true story

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers,how are you,we hope you are well 

kamrup illusive women of Assam used to exploit men, a mysterious true story

Kamrup Tiryaraj is the first historical state of Assam. This is a mysterious place where only beautiful women rule. Very few people know about this village.

Friends! It is said that whoever went to this village has never returned. Only women and birds and animals live in this village. There is no trace of men. All the women of this village are highly learned in Tantra Mantra.

Friends! It is said that whoever went to this village has not returned till date. Only women and animals and birds live in this village. There is no trace of men. All the women of this village are highly knowledgeable in Tantra Mantra. A prime example of this is Hidimba Rakshasi of Kamyak forest.

We all know about the Mahabharata. During the exile of the Pandavas, Bhima was held captive by Hidimba, the king of Kamyak forest. But Hidimba's sister Hidimba was extremely beautiful and she knew the magical powers very well.

kamrup Witches of Assam used to exploit men, a mysterious true story

She took Bhima to a faraway forest and hid him there and there she controlled him with her magical powers, tantra mantra and sorcery. She defeated Bhima by trapping him in the web of her yog maya. And by controlling Bhima with her magical powers, she gave birth to Ghatotkacha from a love relationship with him.

Ghatotkach, the son of this illusory sorceress of Triya Raj, was a mighty warrior who single-handedly caused havoc to the Kaurava army in the war of Mahabharata. Apart from this, friends, you will find many such stories in history about this illusory magic city Triya Raj.

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Devotional story welcomes you with such a true story of the illusory city of Tiryaraj. So let's read today's magical, mysterious and true story without delay.

Friends! Some people may consider this story to be a myth, a lie or may not even believe it but since we have been hearing this story for generations, we thought why not share this secret with you.

This is a story of the time when the British ruled. There was a small landlord. Once he had to go to Kamrup Maya Nagari Assam for business. He had gone there for some special business.

At that time the journeys were very long because there were not many means of transportation. And this was the reason that people would return from the journey only after many days.

Although that landlord used to go abroad frequently, he used to travel frequently. But once on the day when that landlord had to go to Assam, his wife was feeling nervous. So she told the landlord to get a protective amulet made, because this time I don't know why I am feeling very nervous from inside.

Friends! Even today, loyal women get nervous before something untoward happens. If a woman is truly loyal to her husband, she senses that some trouble is about to befall her husband. And women of those times did not even look at other men, so the power of chastity was fully present in them.

So when the landlord saw his wife worried and anxious, he said to his wife, "Why do you keep worrying in vain? I agree that I have to go far away, but this is not a matter of concern."

Everyone knows that if a businessman does not travel far, then how will he earn and how will he eat? So let me go, yes, keeping your words in mind, I will definitely go to the court of the mother first.

And after that, he started his journey after taking consent from his family. He was going to visit the Shakti Peeth of Maa Kamakhya in Assam and pay his obeisance. When he reached there, an old woman came to him.

kamrup Witches of Assam used to exploit men, a mysterious true story

Looking at her body it did not seem that she was an ascetic, but the hair on her head looked like the hanging roots of a banyan tree. Due to which it seemed that she was a siddha woman.

The landlord greeted her and touched her feet. He naturally had love and respect for that woman in his heart. The landlord addressed her as mother. Then the woman said to the landlord, I am feeling hungry, can you give me food?

Then the landlord said, I am a rich landlord, so this is not a big deal for me. My servants will bring food for you right away and many servants who had gone with the landlord brought different kinds of food and materials for him.

The old lady did not take even 1 minute to eat the food and finished all of it and said that I am not satisfied yet. I am still feeling hungry. Can you give me more food?

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The landlord was very smart, so he immediately understood that she was no ordinary woman and so he immediately held her feet and said, Mother, I am not capable of feeding you. Please eat only that much which satisfies your hunger and satisfies me.

Then the old lady said, son, give me the fruit you have with you. The landlord took out the fruit and gave it to the goddess. As soon as she ate it, her hunger was satiated. The landlord was surprised to see this and he asked the lady-

O mother! My servants brought you so much food that it could feed 7-8 people. But you were not satisfied with that food and your hunger was satiated after eating only one fruit. Why is that so, mother?

On this the mother said- Son! The food that I ate was brought to me by your servants, but you gave me one fruit with your own hands, hence my hunger was satiated.

Even if your servants bring me all the food in the city, I would not be satisfied with it. Because self-dedication is necessary in any work.

I requested you for food, but you gave the order to your servants. That is why I was not satisfied with their food.

On this the landlord asked the old lady, "O mother! Who are you? You do not seem to be an ordinary woman. If you don't mind, can I introduce myself to you?"

Hearing the landlord's words, the old mother replied that she is a Siddha Bhairavi. The landlord got confused and asked - what is Mata Siddha Bhairavi?

The old mother replied, "Son! I first achieved the position of Yogini by doing rigorous penance. After that, I have achieved the position of Bhairavi by doing penance. So now I have become very powerful and accomplished and since you have fed me, I will always protect you."

Although by looking at your face I have discovered a secret, but right now I cannot interfere in it nor can I tell you anything about it.

But understand this much son, the times to come are going to be very difficult for you, so if you ever need me then chant this mantra, which I am giving you now.

As soon as you utter this mantra, I will immediately appear there to help you. Saying this, the old mother whispered a mantra in the landlord's ear and went away from there. The landlord memorized that mantra and started his journey ahead with his servants.

They had just walked a few steps when they met a man who started forbidding them to go further. He said that you people should not go further. This is Nilaanchal mountain. This place is full of mysteries.

There is a forest ahead on the path on which you are walking and whoever has gone to that forest till date has not returned. Therefore, you too should not go ahead on this path. Saying this the person left from there. But the landlord ignored what the man said and moved ahead.

After walking a little further, they found the same forest about which the person had told them. They were moving forward in that forest. After walking a little further, they saw some beautiful women coming in a palanquin.

kamrup Witches of Assam used to exploit men, a mysterious true story

Seeing those women, all the servants started moving away, but the landlord did not move. All those women were so beautiful that the landlord kept staring at their faces. When those women came a little closer, a woman from the palanquin took her head out and said, move away from the front, who are you?

But the landlord did not move. He could not hear or see anything compared to the beauty of those women. Suddenly a mysterious incident happened there. Within no time those women, the landlord and his servants suddenly disappeared from that place.

After some time, when he regained consciousness, he was shocked to see the sight in front of him. There was a huge city in front of them. Which in itself seemed so wonderful, mysterious and divine that even heaven seemed pale in front of it.

The landlord was very surprised because there were not one, not two but many beautiful women in front of him and along with all those women, one man each was held hostage. Then after some time, the landlord saw the same woman who had appeared to him in the palanquin. .

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The woman came to the landlord and said, come on, from today you will do my work. You will do whatever I tell you. You are a handsome man so you will fulfill my wish by being under me.

The elusive woman in that palanquin recited such a mantra that the landlord transformed into a goat. He was surprised to see himself in the form of a goat and understood one thing very well that this woman is not an ordinary woman, but an illusionary woman with magic.

kamrup Witches of Assam used to exploit men, a mysterious true story

Due to the mantra of that woman, the landlord was completely under her control and he had also forgotten his previous life. Now that landlord would do whatever the woman said.

She made the landlord half goat and half human and took her with her and started making him work like a slave. He kept doing all the work happily. When there was no work left to do, the woman would turn him into a complete goat.

One day the desire for sex awakened in the woman's mind. So, to fulfill her wish, she said to the landlord, look, today I am making you a complete human being for some time.

In this form you will become my husband and you will love me and satisfy me with your love. Saying this, she lay down on the bed and subdued the landlord to such an extent that she could make him love her the way she wanted.

kamrup illusive women of Assam used to exploit men, a mysterious true story

And she herself started loving the landlord as per her wish, showing him her charms. Started showing her style. His way of loving was very strange. Which is not possible to explain in words. Both were under the influence of lust and lost in each other's love.

In this way, from that day onwards, the landlord would work for that woman by becoming a goat during the day and by becoming a human being at night, he would fulfill her sexual desires. Days passed like this. During the day, that woman would make him half goat and half human and tie a rope around his neck and make him move around and make him do the work.

Once upon a time it was a full moon night. On this night, all the witch women of that city gathered at one place to feed their captive men. On this night, those sorceress women would exchange their goats with each other and would have love relations with them in the same way as the sorceress women had with the landlord.

These women never did any work. She used to get every work done by her goat men. In this way 11 years passed. The landlord was not conscious yet. His memory had not yet returned.

Here the landlord's wife was in bad condition. She was very upset. Because if any person went out for business purposes, he would return within a year. But here 11 years had passed since the landlord left. That's why his mind was getting disturbed. He was sensing something untoward.

To calm the fear rising in her mind and to search for her husband, she asked her family members to go to the temple of Kamakhya Maa. The family members agreed to this. And the next morning we left for the temple.

With the hope of meeting her husband, the landlord's wife along with her family reached the temple of Kamakhya Maa. There she had darshan of the mother. 

The landlord's wife prayed to her mother, O mother! Protect my husband. Send them back home soon. And after that she sat on a step outside the temple. Tears were flowing from his eyes.

Half the night passed crying. Then he saw the same old woman coming into the temple, whom the landlord had met in the same temple. 

When she saw the landlord's wife crying, she went and sat near her and said - What's the matter daughter, why why I I that. Then the landlord's wife told the whole story to the old mother.

The old mother immediately understood the whole thing. She realized that she was talking about the same landlord who had given me food. That mother consoled his wife and said - Daughter, be patient, I have seen your husband.

He had given me food in this temple. I had also warned him about the coming trouble and given him a mantra for protection. I would have definitely helped your husband, but unfortunately he has not remembered me yet.

Hearing this, the landlord's wife said - Mother, my husband will be alright. Mother, what kind of trouble has befallen him that he has not returned yet? My mind is very nervous.

The old mother said daughter! There is no need to panic. Women power is very powerful. You use the power of your chastity. The landlord's wife said, but how mother? How do I exercise my chastity?

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Then the old mother said daughter! You offer the blood of your index finger to Mother Kamakhya. Pray to your mother for your husband's safety. Tell them that the way this blood is flowing in my body, there is no obstruction anywhere in my body, I, with the power of my chastity, remove my husband from all Brahma Shakti? By doing this your husband's memory will come back for few day's 

As per the advice of the old mother, the landlord's wife made her vow by offering blood to Mother Kamakhya. Due to which the landlord's memory came back. When his memory came back, he was surprised to see himself in the form of half goat and half human and he started thinking, Hey! Where am I?, what place is this?

While he was still thinking all this, he saw the same elusive woman who was sitting in the palanquin. Seeing him the landlord understood everything. He understood that because of this I had forgotten everything.

After knowing and understanding everything, he thought that the only way to escape from here was to behave like before and get out of here as soon as I got the chance. And even after knowing everything, he remained ignorant and started searching for his way back while working as before.

Despite many efforts, he could not find a way out of that illusive city. So he returned back to the same illusive woman. That elusive woman made the landlord a complete human being and said, now let us go back and love like before. And despite not wanting, the landlord had to do whatever the woman was saying.

After making love, she turned the landlord into a goat again. When the woman fell asleep, the landlord thought this was a good opportunity. So he set out again to find the way. While searching for him, he found him outside a house a goat appeared.

He went to that goat and asked him the way out of that place. Hearing this, instead of showing the way, the other goat started advising him to stay there. He said - How can you think of going out of here. If you do this I will tell everything to my mistress.

At first the goat thought that it was completely under the control of its mistress. He will not listen to me like this. I'll have to find another way. So he asked the other goat again - Okay brother, tell me, how do your mistress, my mistress and these other women who live here go out of here to the other world?

Then the other goat scolded and replied – Hey! Are you a fool, why don't you understand? After a few days all these women will gather at one place.

The place where they will gather, there will be a tree in front of them, and in the same tree a mysterious door opens from which they go out. But the door opens only for a few moments. From which it is impossible to go out.

I don't know why you want to go from here, I like this place like heaven very much. I am very happy serving my mistress. After a while it will be night and my mistress will make me a man and then make love to me very much. Who would want to leave behind such love? That's why I will never go from here.

Now the first goat understood very well that due to the influence of magical women no one would be able to leave this place. Whether he remains a goat or a man. I am the only one here who is not affected by the mantras of these magical women.

Two days passed while the goat-turned-landlord waited for the magical women to gather at one place. On the third day, all those illusive women gathered with their goats near the same tree about which the other goat had told the landlord.

After reaching the tree, the women started dancing there. Perhaps it was some festival of these witches, which no one knew about. And does anyone know how? Because all the humans were under the control of illusive women. At this time there was only one landlord on whom no mantra was having any effect.

The landlord was watching all this very carefully. He saw that all the women were engrossed in dancing. No one is paying attention to the goats. He thought this was a good opportunity to get out of here. But how to get out? I don't even know the way. I wish I knew the way.

While the landlord was thinking in this way, he saw a door opening on the tree. The landlord was shocked. From that door he saw a woman bringing a man in the form of a goat with her. He understood that whether it happens or not, this is the only way out from here.

When the woman who came from the door reached the other women, one of the women spoke. Very nice, very beautiful goat you have caught and brought. Now I am also going to get a new goat as its sacrifice because I am now bored with this goat of mine. So now I am going to sacrifice it.

The witch took the goat to the same tree and cut off its head with a sharp sword. Seeing this the landlord got scared. He understood that all these goats and I were just a means of entertainment for these witches. They will stay around as long as they want and will kill whenever they feel like it.

But this question arises friends! What was the need to kill men when the witch women had their fill? She could have left them under her control or even made them her servants.

Yes friends! Absolutely could. But these witches were Tantrik women. At the time of fulfilling their sexual desires, they received the energy of men, due to which they became more powerful. This is the reason why she used to sacrifice men whenever she felt like it.

Immediately after the sacrifice, she would go out through the door of the same tree to the outside world in search of another man. And when she found a man, she would transform him into a goat. 

As soon as he came inside, the door of the tree closed again. In just that amount of time, someone could come in or out and someone could go in and out.

In this way, these women would bring the men and repeat the same actions with them as the landlord was suffering. And becoming stronger day by day.

Now since the door was closed, how could the landlord come out? But after seeing the whole process the landlord found a way out. He now started waiting for the next full moon night.

At last the wait for the landlord was over. The full moon night came and all those women gathered near the same tree with their goats. The landlord was also taken by his mistress to the same tree by the sky.

All the other illusionary women reached that tree by walking with their goats. There were only two or three illusionary women who reached that place by flying. In which the landlord's mistress was also included. From this the landlord guessed that his mistress was more powerful. And she won't leave him soon.

Well, we have to leave. Thinking this the landlord started waiting for the opportunity. As soon as one of the elusive women took the goat in front of that tree and sacrificed it, the door opened. And that elusive woman started coming out of that tree in search of a new man.

As soon as the elusive woman entered the door of the tree, the goat quickly jumped to get out. But his mistress i.e. the elusive woman pulled him towards herself with her energy power. Due to which the goat could not go out.

That woman caught hold of the landlord and said – How can you even think of going out of here and how did you get out of my control. Now I completely control you again.

The landlord became disappointed and sad and started thinking that now he would never be able to go out of this place. But then he remembered Bhairavi Devi of the temple. Whom he had met while coming to the temple of Mother Kamakhya and had also given him food.

He remembered that Bhairavi Devi had given him a mantra and said that whenever you chant this mantra and call me, I will come to help you.

The landlord called out to Goddess Bhairavi without any delay but just as he was about to chant the mantra, the elusive woman again made the landlord forget everything. 

His memory became the same as before. He forgot everything. And then the elusive woman went back in the same manner as she had come flying sitting on top of the landlord.

After reaching back, he again transformed into human form with the desire to have intercourse with the landlord. Before he could do anything with that woman, Goddess Bhairavi appeared there.

The goddess moved her hand on his head which brought back the landlord's memory. As soon as he regained his memory, he bowed to the goddess and asked with surprise, “Mother!” you here? And how did I get here?

Bhairavi Devi replied and said, I have come here on the request of your wife. And you took so long to remember me.

The landlord started crying and fell at her feet and asked for forgiveness and said - Mother, please throw me out of here because this woman here exploits me physically and mentally. Gives me more pain.

Bhairavi Devi said- Son! Don't worry. I have come to get you out of here. Your wife is sitting in the temple of Kamakhya Maa and praying for you. Nothing will happen to you now. And Bhairavi Devi held the landlord's hand and reached near the same tree from which there was a way out.

After reaching there, he gave a mantra to the landlord and said, you sit here and chant this mantra. The door of this tree will open within some time. Just remember one thing, no matter what happens, you have to keep chanting the mantra and do not stop in between.

As soon as the door opens, you have to go inside it while chanting. When you enter the door, many illusions will try to stop you. You have to avoid them. That's why I'm giving you this amulet. 

So that no illusion can stop you. But it is your responsibility to overcome the illusion. After explaining everything, Bhairavi Devi went to her real world through the same tree. 

Here the landlord started chanting. After some time, the door of the tree opened and the landlord tried to enter inside while chanting. But as soon as he was about to step into the door, his illusive mistress arrived and pulled him towards her and started crying.

How can you leave me like this, you are my husband, I love you so much. You know this very well.Very soon I am going to become the owner of this place. And you are the king here. Then why do you want to go out of here, tell me?

I promise you that I will never make you a goat again, I will never make you do any work, but don't leave me. But the landlord kept chanting. Said nothing.

When that elusive woman saw that my words were having no effect on him, she played one last trick. He made four trees in place of one, which were identical in appearance. The doors of all the four trees were open and the screaming sound of the landlord's wife started coming from all those doors.

kamrup illusive women of Assam used to exploit men, a mysterious true story

Now the landlord started getting nervous. But he did not stop chanting. There were four trees in front of him and the sound of his wife screaming was coming from each of the four trees. He started thinking that even if by mistake he stepped on the wrong door, he would remain there forever.

But somehow the landlord kept patience and once again called Bhairavi Devi in his mind. While calling, Goddess Bhairavi appeared but she was also visible on all the four trees. And she was saying, come towards me, come towards me.

The landlord understood that this was an illusion, so while chanting, he placed the amulet given by Bhairavi Devi on his forehead. When Bhairavi Devi looked at the landlord in confusion, she made a hole in the little finger of her hand to show the truth and blood started flowing.

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When the landlord saw that only one tree was bleeding from the hands of Bhairavi Devi, he understood that this tree was real and this goddess was real because illusory things never have life or soul

That's why Bhairavi The blood that came out of the goddess's finger fell only on that tree, which was real. There was no blood on the door of any other tree

Now the landlord did not waste any time in coming out, he went out through the same door which had blood on it. Coming out, he went straight to the temple of Mother Kamakhya, where his wife was praying for him.

In this way, with the power of a devoted woman and a goddess, the landlord returned from that hell forever.

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