Story (Narada's difficult questions)

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers!how are you guys, hope you are well 

Dwihetu shaddhishthanam shadang cha dwipakyuk.

Chaturprakam trividham trinaasham daanamuchyate.

Hindi of this shloka is -- donation has two reasons, six reasons, six parts, four types, three types and three means of destruction.

Dear readers! This is the Hindi of this shloka, but what is its meaning? Friends, to know and understand this, you will have to read today's story very carefully.

Because this is not just a story, it is a knowledgeable story. In this story, Narad ji asked some such questions for which he had to roam around the whole universe to get the answer.

Story (Narada's difficult questions)

Story (Narada's difficult questions)

Once Devrishi Narada went to take bath in Mahi-Sagar-Sangram. At the same time many sages and munis also came there. Narada ji asked them -- O Mahatmas! Where have you come from? 7

The sages and munis said that we live in Saurashtra country, the king there is Dharmavarma. Once that king did penance for many years to explain the essence of charity. Then there was a voice from the sky. The voice was

Dwihetu Shaddhishthanam Shadang Cha Dwipakyuk.

Chatushprakam Trividham Trinaash Daanmuchyate.

That is, there are two reasons for charity, six foundations, six parts, four types, three types and three means of destruction. 

The sky said this shloka and became silent. Narada ji! The king asked many times, but the voice from the sky did not give any answer.  No meaning of the verse was explained.

Then the king made an announcement in the city that whoever will interpret this shloka correctly, I will give him seven lakh cows, seven lakh gold coins and seven villages. 

We all are coming from there. No one knew the meaning of the shloka. So no one interpreted it. When Narad ji heard this, he was very happy. He took the form of a Brahmin and went to the king. 

Reaching the king, he said - O King! I know the meaning of the shloka. I will tell you its meaning but in return, make the announcement you have made true. 

The king said - O Brahmin! Many Brahmins have said this. But no one has told its real meaning. 

What are the two purposes of donation? 

What are the six foundations? 

What are the six parts? 

What are the two fruits? 

What are the four types? 

What are the three types and three means of destruction?  

If you can give me correct answers to these seven questions, then I will definitely give you seven lakh cows, seven lakh gold coins and seven villages.

Read more- How Brahma created the universe ?

Meaning of the verse. 

Story (Narada's difficult questions)

Narada said, "Faith and power are the two reasons for giving charity, because whether the charity is more or less is not the reason for merit. Even a little donation of money with faith and justice is enough to please God."

Dharma, Artha, Kama, Lajja, Happiness and Fear -- these are the six foundations of charity. 

Object to be given in accordance with Dharma, donor, recipient, purity, place and time -- these are the six parts of charity. 

The creatures of this world and the creatures of the next world -- these are the two fruits of charity. 

Dhruva, Trik, Kamya and Naimittik -- these are the four types of charity. Meaning (Getting a well, pond dug, getting a garden planted, etc. which are useful to everyone is Dhruva. ​​

Continuing to give charity always is Trik. 

Charity given for fulfilling the desire related to children, victory, wife etc. is Kamya. 

Charity given on all auspicious occasions like eclipse, Sankranti etc. is called Naimittik.) 

Uttam, Madhyam, Kanishtha -- these are the three types of charity. 

 Repentance (regretting after giving donation), bad deserving (giving donation to a wrong person) and the third one is lack of faith (giving donation without heart) - these are the means of destruction of donation.

Read more- Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi 

O King! In this way, I have told you the greatness of donation which is bound in seven steps. King Dharmavarma was astonished on hearing this. 

He said to Narad ji, O Muni! Who are you? You cannot be an ordinary man. I bow my head at your feet. Please introduce yourself. 

Narad ji said -- O King! I am Devrishi Narad. Now the land that you are giving me, I am leaving it with you as a heritage. I will take it back when the need arises. 

Saying this, he went to Raivatak mountain. After reaching there, he started thinking that I have got the land, but now where will I find a Brahmin worthy of this land, to whom I can give this land.

Narad Ji's questions. 

Thinking about this, Narad Ji made 12 questions and while singing them, he started roaming around the ashrams of sages

His questions were--

1 - What and how many are Matrika?

2 - Which is the wonderful planet made of twenty-five things?

3 - Who knows the art of making a woman with many forms into one form?

4 - Who knows how to create a strange story in the world?

5 - Who is the biggest crocodile in the ocean?

6 - Who are the eight types of Brahmins?

7 - Which are the days of the beginning of the four yugas?

8 - On which day did the fourteen Manvantaras begin?

9 - On which day did Surya Narayan sit on his chariot for the first time?

10 - Who is the stimulant of living beings like a black snake?

 11 - Who is the smartest in this cruel world? And 

12 - What are the two ways?

Asking these twelve questions, he roamed all over the earth, but he did not get the answer to his questions anywhere. 

Narad ji became very sad due to not finding a suitable Brahmin and sat alone on the Himalayan mountain and started thinking. 

While thinking, he suddenly remembered that he had not gone to Kalaap village. There 84 thousand learned Brahmins keep doing penance every day. 

The Sun, Moon, Dynasty and the revivers of the Sad Brahmins, Devapi and Marut also live there. Thinking this in his mind, he reached Kalaap village. 

There he saw very brilliant, learned and dedicated Brahmins. Narad ji was very happy to see them. Going to the place where those Brahmins were sitting and discussing the scriptures, 

Narad ji said - what are you people croaking about? If you have the power to understand something, then answer these difficult questions of mine.

Hearing this, the Brahmin was surprised and said (Wow, very beautiful) please tell me your questions. Then Narad ji repeated his 12 questions. 

Hearing the questions, the sage started smiling and said - Muni! These questions of yours are like those of a child. Ask the person whom you consider the youngest and the most foolish here. 

Now Narad ji got into a great dilemma. He thought whom to ask. Here everyone is a scholar. But Narad ji needed a suitable Brahmin for donating the land. So he asked a child named Sutanu who was playing there.

When Narad Ji repeated his questions to the boy, the boy said -- Are you asking childish questions? I don't feel like answering them at all, but you have considered me the youngest and the most foolish here, so I will definitely answer your questions.

Answers to Narad Ji's questions. 

Story (Narada's difficult questions)

1 - A, Aa, U, Oo etc. are all the 52 letters. They are Matrika. 

2 - The wonderful planet made of 25 elements is the body itself. 

3 - The woman with many forms is the intellect. When it is associated with religion, it becomes one. 

4 - A strange composition of the statement is called a Pandit only, that is, a Pandit composes strange stories in the world. 

5 - The biggest crocodile of the ocean is the excessive greed present in the world. 

6 - There are eight types of Brahmins - Matra, Brahmin, Kshotriya, Anuchan, Embryo, Rishikalp, Rishi and Muni. 

Matra - The one who is born only in a Brahmin family and is devoid of sanskars etc. is called Matra.

Brahmin - A Brahmin who is devoid of any desire and who performs Vedic rituals is called a Brahmin.

Kshotriya - A Brahmin who has attained full knowledge of Vedas including its parts and is devoted to Shatkarma is called a Kshotriya.

Anuchan - A Brahmin who has full knowledge of Vedas, is pure soul and who only teaches to disciples is called Anuchan.

Bhrin - The above-mentioned Anuchan who is the eater of yajnas is Bhrin.

Rishikalp - A Brahmin who is fully endowed with all Vedic knowledge is called Rishikalp.

Rishi - A Brahmin who is upright, without doubt, capable of being cursed and is a true follower is called a Rishi.

Muni - A Brahmin who is always in meditation and whose eyes are like clay and gold is a Muni.  Now listen to the answer to the seventh question -

7 - The Krita Yuga started on Kartik Shukla Paksha, the Treta Yuga started on the third day of the Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh, the Dwapar Yuga started on the new moon day of Magh Krishna and the Kali Yuga started on the thirteenth day of the Bhadrapad Krishna Paksha. The above mentioned dates are called Yugadi.

8 Ashwin Shukla Navami, Kartik Shukla Dwadashi, Chaitra Shukla Tritiya, Bhadrapada Shukla Tritiya, Phalguna Krishna Amavasya, Paush Shukla Ekadashi, Ashadha Shukla Dashami, Magh Shukla Saptami, Shravan Krishna Ashtami, Ashadha Shukla Poornima, Kartik Poornima, Phalguni Poornima, Chaitri Poornima and Jyeshtha Poornima are the original dates of the fourteen Manus including Swayambhuva. 

9 - Lord Surya first rode on the chariot on Magh Shukla Saptami. 

10 - The one who always begs is the one who is agitated. 

11 - The completely clever -- adept -- is the one who, after understanding the value of human life, achieves his complete salvation in it. 

12 - Archi and Dhum -- these are the two ways.  People who go by the Archi route get salvation and those who go by the Dhum route have to return again. 

This way the boy answered the 12 questions, on hearing which Narada ji became very happy and he gave the land received from the king to Sutanu.

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Our aim. 

Dear readers! Our aim is to bring good things, knowledge to you. Which you should read carefully and also tell your children. 

So that your children can also get social, real knowledge apart from bookish studies and can recognize their existence. 

Because today's children are getting diverted from their real path. They are getting lost in the glamour of the world. 

How did you like the story. Hope you liked it. May Shri Radheshyam ji bless you all. Radhey-Radhey! Dear readers

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