10 Precious words

 Har Har Mahadev Dear readers!  May you receive the immense blessings of Bholenath.

10 Precious words

10 Precious words

10 Precious words, which if a man follows, can reduce the sorrow of the mind to a great extent.

Every person in the world has some confusion in his mind, many kinds of questions have settled in his mind. Due to which he starts feeling very troubled. 

If he gets answers to the questions then it is fine, otherwise if he does not get answers, then by thinking about the problem, 

he develops many kinds of diseases in his body. Which he does not even know about. But this is not the solution to the problem because--

(1) Whatever has to happen in life, it will happen. No one can change that and what is not going to happen will never happen. What is to be there and what is not to be, when it is not in our hands then why waste our mind and time thinking about it. 

Therefore, one should never worry about what will happen now, how it will happen. All this is under the creator, so this work should be left to him. And with patience, you should face every situation with courage.

(2) There is only one reason for a person to be worried or sad in life, and that is his desire. It means that when a person desires something and does not get it, 

he becomes worried and sad. And if he does not desire any thing? - What will happen then? Then what will happen is that he will become free from bondage. 

He will be happy in life because desiring any thing is the biggest hurdle in man's life. If there is no desire or wish in the mind, then whether we have the thing or not, the person will always be happy. Life will be spent in joy.

Read more- What is the secret of happy life/What are the 62 steps to being happy  krishna says

(3) Humans have a great fear of death, but it is not their fault because human is the only creature in life who is surrounded by attachment, love, desires and wishes and if all these are not there in the mind, 

then even death is no less than a happiness because human life is painful only till there are many kinds of desires in the mind. Similarly, death is also painful till there is a desire to live in the mind.

If the desire to live is given up, then there is no fear of death, even if it comes at any time. This must be accepted because it is the bitter truth of life. Everyone has to die one day or the other; therefore one must never be afraid of dying. 

This is the life cycle of the world. Living and dying are a constant process. To avoid pain at the time of death, it is important to focus one's mind on God and not on worldly pleasures.

(4) One should not talk to anyone more than required in life. Because talking more than required reduces the importance of the person. Like when you meet any person for the first time, then the conversation happens with respect and honour. 

Words like aap, come, go, eat, drink etc. are pronounced (spoken) but after some days this word aap changes to tum and after some time when you become completely under that person (friendship becomes strong) then this word tum changes to tu. 

So you should think what you were for that person before and what you are for that person now. We are not saying that one should not make friends, one should make friends because it is not wise to stay alone in life, 

staying in harmony with everyone is the identity of a good person and for this identity to remain, it is necessary that the conversation is done in a limited circle only.

(5) No matter how much effort a person makes in life, but his thinking that this body is his is absolutely wrong, it is a completely wrong thinking. 

In reality, a person's body is not his own and it will never be his even if he wants. And what is his, he does not want to recognize it, rather he runs away from it. 

If there is anything far from a person, it is his own body and if there is anything very close, it is the Supreme Soul, God, but man does not understand this. 

He does not look at them due to attachment, love and desires. And he cannot see them even if he wants to because his body is engrossed in the world. 

He sees the body near and God far. And the day he understands that nothing in the world is his, everything belongs to God, everything is pervaded in Him, everything belongs to Him and only that eternal God is ours, then he starts feeling the presence of God inside him. 

He starts feeling Him. The mind starts becoming peaceful.  And then, it does not make any difference to him with the events happening in life because he has understood this thing very well that our only thing in life can be that which we have with us and we should always be with them, they should never be separated from us. 

There is only one such thing in life and that is our God. People, friends, relatives, all leave us but God is the only companion who supports us in all the good and bad times.

One just needs to recognize them, experience them. So consider God as your own, love him. God is not attained by performing big yagnas, donations, penance, pilgrimages and austerities etc. 

but only by considering him as your own. Only God is mine and I am His, and nothing else is mine, this feeling should be kept in mind. Only then can a person attain God quickly and easily. 

Read more- new life quotes (60 quotes)

(6) One should never speak ill of anyone in life and never see evil in others. Before doing this, one should look inside oneself because there is no such person on earth who has never made a mistake and never hurt anyone. 

So before telling others, one should look at the shortcomings within oneself and if one finds a mistake, he should correct it. By doing this, no person will ever feel wrong and when it will not feel wrong, then no one will ever be an exception.

7) If a person does good to others while his mind is filled with many kinds of evils, then this act of his creates pride in his heart. Which later proves to be fatal for him, therefore it is very important to have a clean mind before doing good. Doing good to someone with a pure (clean, clean) mind, serving them is the true worship.

(8) While doing any auspicious act like showing the right path to a lost person, worshipping someone, giving food and water to someone etc, 

one should not think that he has done it; rather one should think that all this has been done by God because no one can do anything without His will. 

Therefore, instead of man, one should keep God as one's aim. One should thank God for every act done by him that he made you worthy of it.

(9) The person who is in a hurry to get anything, has to regret it later. Because he only looks for happiness, he does not think about how the happiness came. Similarly, the person who is patient in getting things, gets the thing late but he does not have to regret it later. 

His life passes happily because he is not concerned with the thing, but with the result. That is, man asks God for innumerable things - diamonds, pearls, gold, silver, clothes, food items etc. 

but does not believe in the one who gives that happiness (God), does not ask for his devotion. If one gets the means to give happiness, then will there ever be sorrow?

10) There is a big shortcoming in man in this world, that is he goes to God and worships only when he desires something, if he gets the thing then it is fine, if he doesn't get it then God is wrong, is it right to do so? - Absolutely not - doing worship, asking something from God is a good thing, it is not wrong. 

But it is wrong to think that by doing this you will attain God, God will become subordinate to you, whatever you wish will happen. This is a sign of pride.  

Read more- why good people die early and bad people die late,

It is the nature of God that he doesn't see what a person does, but he sees what the person wants, that is, for what purpose did the person ask for something, is it for someone's benefit or for bad, will the wish asked by you do good or bad for you. 

God fulfils only those wishes of his devotees which are good for them, if your wish is right then you will certainly get its fruit, there is no doubt in it. 

That is why Lord Shri Krishna has said in Geeta that a man should only do his duty and should not desire the fruit. Leave everything to God and keep doing your work without any expectation.

Dear readers, we hope you liked the post. You can feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions with us.  

With this we end our speech and pray that Lord Shiva blesses all of you.  May all your wishes be fulfilled. See you again with the next post in devotional story. 

Till then Har Har Mahadev.

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