Brave Mother

Har Har Mahadev dear readers!,How are you all? Hope you are well.

Brave Mother

In ancient times there was a very intelligent and brilliant Kshatrani named Vidula. Her son Sanjay was defeated by the enemy in the war. The defeat broke his courage. He was lying in the house disappointed.

Brave Mother

Seeing her son lying disappointed and hopeless, Vidula started scolding him- 'Oh coward! You are not my son. Why were you born in the family of these brave men, the destroyer of the clan. You are lying like an impotent. Why are you counted among the men?'

If you have strength in your arms then take up the weapon and crush the pride of the enemy. Small rivers get filled with little water, the mouse's hands get filled with little material and cowards get satisfied with little. 

But a Kshatriya  woman and brave mother gives birth to a son only to attain greatness. Get up! Get ready for the war.

'Son, it is appropriate for you to either be victorious in the war or you should give up your life and penetrate the solar system and achieve the supreme position which is rare even for yogis! A Kshatriya is not born to give up his life while lying on the bed due to illness.

War is the religion of a Kshatriya. Why do you want to live by turning away from religion? Oh impotent man! The original kingdom of sacrifice, donation and enjoyment has been destroyed and by being a coward you have also fallen from religion, then why do you want to live?

The clan is sinking because of you, save it! Work hard and show your valor. The one whose importance is not discussed in the society or the one whom the gods do not consider worthy of respect, is neither a man nor a woman. He is a useless burden on the earth who increases the number of humans.

Read more- why good people die early and bad people die late,

The one who has not got fame in any of the fields of charity, truth, penance, education and knowledge, is like the stool of the mother. A man is the one who attains excellence in the study of scriptures, use of scriptures, penance or knowledge.

It is not appropriate for you to earn your livelihood by begging like cowards and fools. Being disrespected by people, men of weak and mean heart who depend on others for food and clothing, please the enemies and pierce the relatives like a thorn.

'Alas! It seems that we will have to die in poverty after being exiled from the kingdom. You are a destroyer of the clan. You do things contrary to your clan. I will also be a part of infamy because of keeping you in my womb.

No woman should give birth to a son as weak and disinterested as you. It is better for a brave man to burn for a moment on the heads of the enemies and then extinguish. One who is lazy never gets importance. Therefore, even now you should leave behind the shame of defeat and fight.'

Sanjaya became sad on being rebuked by his mother in this manner and said- 'Mother! If I go away from you or die, what will you do with the kingdom, wealth and other pleasures?'

Vidula said- 'I want that your enemies suffer defeat, poverty and sorrow and your friends get respect and happiness. Do not accept the mercy of poor people who live on other's food. 

Do such work that Brahmins and friends live in your ashram and get their livelihood from you. Like a tree laden with ripe fruits, only that person's life is meaningful on whom people take shelter for livelihood.'

Son! Remember that if you give up your duty, then soon after giving up your manliness, you will have to follow the path of lowly people. Just as a dying man does not like medicine, similarly you are not liking my beneficial words.

Your enemies are strong at this time, but if you have enthusiasm and stand up to fight, then their enemies will come to meet you. Your well-wishers will also start gathering around you. Your name is Sanjay, but no effort to win is seen in you. Therefore, make your name meaningful!

'Son! Defeat or victory, whether you get the kingdom or not, considering both the same, fight with firm determination! Everyone gets victory and defeat due to the effect of time; but the best man is the one who never gets discouraged.

Sanjay! I am the daughter of a noble family, the daughter-in-law of a noble family and the wife of a noble man. How will I find peace if I do not see you doing a noble deed that will increase our pride? It is better to die than to be called the mother of a coward.

If you want to live, then defeat the enemy! Otherwise, it is better to die than to remain dependent and helpless forever.'

Even after his mother's repeated provocations, Sanjay said- 'Mother! You are merciless and have a heart as hard as stone. I am your only son. If I am killed in the war, what happiness will you get from the kingdom and wealth? Then why do you want to send me to the battlefield?'

Vidula said- 'Son! A man should work hard for wealth and religion. I am sending you to the war for the attainment of those very religion and wealth. 

Read more- How parents should give values to their children learn from shri krishna

If you are killed by the enemy, you will attain greatness in the next world, you will be liberated and if you are victorious, you will happily rule the world.

If you turn away from this duty, you will be insulted in the society. You will cause great harm to yourself and me. 'If I do not stop you from doing this harm, then it will not be called love. 

You will have to bear poverty and insult in the world and after death you will have to suffer the wretched fate of those who have violated their duty, I do not want you to go on such a path.

Leave the path of cowardice condemned by gentlemen. The love of the one who shows love to a virtuous, industrious and humble son is true. 

The one who shows love to a son who is devoid of industriousness, humility and good conduct, it is useless for him to have a son. 

A Kshatriya is born to conquer the enemy or to sacrifice his life in the war. Make your birth meaningful!'

Brave Mother

Sanjaya's bravery was awakened by the mother's advice. His enthusiasm came alive. He accepted the mother's order. Removing fear and sadness, he started gathering troops. Finally, he defeated the enemy and gained control over his kingdom.

 So dear readers, how did you like the story? With this, we take leave. We will meet again with the next story in the devotional story. Till then keep laughing, keep smiling and keep remembering the Lord.

Thank you

Har-Har Mahadev

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