Why misbehave with parents

 Shri Ganeshaya Namah:

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers!  May you receive the immense blessings of Bholenath.

Why misbehave with parents

Why misbehave with parents

Children misbehave with their parents. No one knows why? Why? They don't like the things their parents say. And knowingly or unknowingly they give a lot of trouble to their parents.

Children, why is this so?  

Let's do it.  Why ?  

When they grow up, they forget their duties.  Why ?  

Gives them sorrow.  Why ?  

They forget that whatever they are today is because of their parents.  If there were no parents, would they have come into this world, if parents had not held their hands and taught them to walk, 

would they have learned to walk, why?  We forget their love and affection, why?  He forgets his lost sleep, which he spent awake all night during his illness.

In this post you will find-

 Precious wealth of parents

 Parents' first happiness

 Sacrifices of parents

 Why misbehave with parents?

 Parents need children

 Questions to children

 Request from children

Precious wealth of parents

Dear readers! Children are the priceless wealth of parents. Yes friends, children are the real wealth of parents. Friends! What we are discussing today is today's generation, i.e. today's children.

Friends, we all know this very well thait the most beautiful and precious thing given by God to parents is their children.  For whose happiness he does anything.  He considers children as the wealth of his life.

Parents' first happiness

It is not possible for everyone to get this good fortune, that is, this blessing of God automatically happens to some couples.  But some have to endure a lot of trouble to attain this happiness. 

They have to wander from door to door, temple to temple.  Wherever he sends them, they do as he is told. It is only after many requests and prayers that they get this happiness and at that time they are filled with joy.

Friends, if seen in reality, from that day onwards their life is no longer theirs.  Rather becomes subordinate to their child.  

From that moment onwards they start thinking about his food, drink, clothes, toys, education and future.  And why not think, after all they have got this wealth after so many troubles.  

With the arrival of a child in the house, there is a different kind of wave of happiness on the face of every member of the family. Everyone is very happy.  As if life is complete now.  No longer desire for anything else.  All desires are gone.

Read more- parents are not always right

Sacrifices of parents

Friends, parents stop thinking about themselves.  Eating and drinking while caring for the child.  Everyone forgets to laugh, speak, wear and dress.  Do not do anything on time (eat, drink, sleep etc. on time) do not pay attention to anything.  

Life remains limited.  The husband has no time for his wife and the wife has no time for her husband.  And for whom is all this - only for the children. Because nothing is more important to them than children.

Friends, do you know why they do this, because they love their children very much.  He can never see them sad.  

If he falls ill, we stay awake all night to serve him, in spite of his insistence that he should not have to beg in front of anyone, we fulfill his insistence.  

Then whether the child asked for a good thing or a bad thing.  The child does not understand at all whether his mind felt happy or sad in doing so.  

Some parents do this willingly and some are forced to do so.  They become happy just seeing the children happy.  Because they want to see their children happy.

Bad behavior with parents Why?

All parents fulfill all their duties towards children.  Never step back.  Never hurt your children.  Still don't know why?  Children do not like what their parents say.  

And knowingly or unknowingly they cause a lot of pain to their parentsWhy do children do this?, Why ?  When they grow up, they forget their duties.  Why ?  Gives them sorrow.  Why ?  They forget that whatever they are today is because of their parents.  

If there were no parents, would they have come into this world, if parents had not held their hands and taught them to walk, would they have learned to walk, 

why?  We forget their love and affection, why?  He forgets his lost sleep, which he spent awake all night during his illness.

Why ?  When they grow up, when the same parents come in front of their friends, they feel bad, why do they feel shy in introducing themselves to their friends.  

Parents never do this - they were never ashamed to say that you are their child, their beloved child. Rather, they celebrated your arrival on this earth, gave parties, gave clothes to the needy.  

He proudly told the people of the world that this is our son. Then why are you children ashamed?

 For their studies when they grow up.  For jobs, to complete courses related to other studies, to meet the needs of those times when they have to go abroad, they need thousands, lakhs of rupees, their parents  How do they make ends meet? 

Have you children ever wondered where they would have brought so much money from? There are many parents who do not have any problem in doing this, but many have to sell their houses, jewelery etc.

But children easily forget the sacrifice made by their parents.  We do not say that all children are like this, but yes – in today's era, most of the children are like this.  

Most of the children misbehave with their parents.  Don't respect them.  The limit is crossed when they throw them out of the house in old age.  

No matter what the reason is for removing it, it is just removed.  They do not think at all, do not feel even the slightest pain in their heart, that after leaving the house, where will they go, what will they do, what will they eat.

Parents need children

They don't think of anything, when in reality they have a special need for children at that time because that is the age when they can do something for themselves.  

They face difficulty in walking, sitting, eating, drinking etc.  You children have left them at such a time - when they feel completely helpless and helpless.  

Can't say anything to anyone, can't ask for anything from anyone. Due to shame and fear of being insulted, they remain silent or go away or are thrown out by the children.

Read more- How parents should give values to their children learn from shri krishna

Questions to children

We have a question for such children - don't you think that this state of parents (old age) is exactly like the state of your childhood - because parents cannot do anything because they are old.  

And you can't do anything because you are small.  If your parents had been as strict as you at that time, would you have been where you are today?  

And even if you were, would you exist?  It doesn't happen at all because your name comes from your parents.  Never forget that you belong to your parents, not your parents to you.

If you have parents, there is a wave of light and happiness in your life.  If these people are not there then there is nothing in life despite having everything.  

Parents are the form of God.  Everyone knows that God cannot go to everyone's house (cannot be present all the time) hence He created parents, 

through whom He lives, meets, plays and time with all His children on earth.  Saves from troubles in time.  Parents are revered by everyone.  Hurting them means hurting God.

Read more- What is a father's love 

Request from children

Therefore never disrespect your parents.  Never hurt them, and if you do then always remember that what one does to whomsoever happens to him.  

In life, if someone gets hurt or faces any other problem because of you, then you will also have to suffer that pain in the future.  Therefore, such children are requested to be careful in time.  

There is no one on earth as kind as parents, so if someone has committed such a mistake, then ask for their forgiveness.  And always remember that ----

There is such heaven on earth.  Who is not visible but remains with us.

 From moment to moment, from day to night.  He remained with me all the time.

 There is such heaven on earth.  Who is not visible but remains with us.

 Old, old are those old words, at whose feet heaven resides.

 May our lives be blessed by their service and hospitality.

 If this statement is true, then why do people stay away from them.

 Why should they consider their service and hospitality as a burden?

His walk, his vibration, his stick, his glasses.

 This is the life cycle of this world, which everyone has to experience here. 

 Don't consider their love and affection as useless.

 This is the shadow of the tree, if it is not there then life is meaningless.

 There is such a heaven on earth, which cannot be seen but remains with us.  ,

 From moment to moment, from day to night.  He remained with me all the time.

 There is such heaven on earth.  Who is not visible but remains with us.

 Why do we forget their favors so quickly?

 Who is with us in childhood, adolescence and youth.  ,

 Those who taught us to walk by holding hands in our childhood.

 Then why do we, without any hesitation, leave you in old age.

In every trouble, hunger and thirst, he stays with us.

 Tell me, how much we support them in their problems.

 Still see, how much love is immense in those old hearts.

 Even though you are away from your home, you still give blessings.

 There is such a heaven on earth, which cannot be seen but remains with us.

 From moment to moment, from day to night.  He remained with me all the time.

 There is such heaven on earth.  Who is not visible but remains with us.

 We are happy with one vocal public.

 And how distressed we become by their aged faces.

 Don't forget this moment, we have to enjoy it tomorrow also.

 Like them, we have to suffer this old age tomorrow too.

 Recognize that idol, their love and affection.

 Their nights, their sleep, and their hunger and thirst.

 See yourself in every old person, not just one.

 If you meet an old man on the way, don't turn your face away.

 Remembering them together, my old age

 Make this wish always, may you always get their love and affection.


 This is the heaven on earth, which cannot be seen but remains with us.

 Every moment, every moment, day and night, he stays here with me every moment.

Dear readers, we hope you liked the post. You can feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions with us.  

With this we end our speech and pray that Lord Shiva blesses all of you.  May all your wishes be fulfilled. 

See you again with the next post in devotional story. Till then Har Har Mahadev.

 Thank you.

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