who is blessed

Jai Shri Ram dear readers! How are you all, hope you are well.

who is blessed

who is blessed

Once Lord Krishna returned to Dwarka after attending Duryodhan's Yagya in Hastinapur. At that time, the Lakshmi of Yadukul was defeating even Aindri Lakshmi. The beauty of Shri Dwarkapuri situated in the middle of the ocean was outshining the beauty of Amaravati.

Indra was ashamed of this and started hating his kingdom's Lakshmi. Hearing about the wonderful kingdom of Hrishikesh Nandanand, many kings came to Dwarka at that time to see it. 

These included the Kauravas and Pandavas as well as the kings and emperors of many countries like Pandya, Chola, Kalinga, Bahrik, Dravid, Khash etc.

Once, Lord Krishna was seated on the golden throne in Sudharma Sabha with all these kings and emperors. Other kings and emperors were also standing on various seats surrounding him from all sides. 

At that time, the beauty of the place was very wonderful.  It seemed as if Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, was himself present amongst the gods and the demons.

At the same time, a strong sound of wind like Meghnad was heard and a very strong wind blew. It seemed that now there would be heavy rain and it started looking like a bad day. But people were very surprised when Devrishi Narad himself came out of this very bad day. 

He landed directly among the kings like a flame of fire. As soon as Naradji landed on the earth, that bad day (the pomp of wind and clouds) ended. 

Read more- Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi 

After landing in the middle of the kings like an ocean, Devrishi turned towards Shri Krishna seated on the throne and said- 'Purushottam! You are the most amazing and blessed among the gods.' 

On hearing this, the Lord said- 'Yes, I am a wonder along with Dakshina.' On this Devrishi said- 'Prabhu! I have got the answer to my question, now I am leaving.' The kings were very surprised to see Shri Narad walking. They could not understand what the matter was.

Nadarji said- O king! Listen, I am telling you the way I have been able to know the greatness of Shri Krishna.

Once I was roaming alone on the banks of Ganga at sunrise. Suddenly a mountain-sized tortoise came there. I was surprised to see it. I touched it with my hand and said- 'Kurma! (Tortoise) your body is extremely amazing.

Actually you are blessed. Because you roam everywhere in this Ganga without any doubt (fearless) and worry, then who will be more blessed than you?'

I could not even finish my words when without thinking anything that tortoise spoke- O sage! What is surprising in me and Prabhu! How can I be blessed?

Blessed is this divine river Ganga, which gives shelter to thousands of turtles, crabs, crocodiles and fishes like me. Countless lives like me keep roaming in it, who is more amazing and blessed than them?'

Naradji said, 'O kings! I was very surprised to hear the turtle's words and I went in front of Gangadevi and said - O 'best of rivers Ganga! You are blessed! Because you protect the ashrams of ascetics, meet the sea, are decorated with huge living beings and are full of all virtues.'

On this Ganga immediately said - 'No, no, Devgandharva-loving Devrishi! Kahal-loving Narada! Am I full of virtues or blessed? The most amazing and blessed thing in this world is the sea, in which hundreds of big rivers like me meet.'

 On this, when I went near the sea and praised it so much, then it rose up tearing the water surface and said- 'Muni! I am not blessed, blessed is this earth, which has held many seas like me and in fact this land is the abode of all the wonders.'

Listening to the words of the ocean, I said to the earth, 'Earth, the womb of the living beings. You are blessed. Beautiful! You are also the abode of all wonders.' 

On this, the earth shone and spoke loudly- 'Oh! O Narada who loves war and quarrels! I am neither blessed nor wild, blessed are these mountains which are called 'Bhoodhar' because they hold me and they are also the abode of all kinds of wonders.' 

I appeared near the mountains due to the words of the earth and said, 'Indeed, you people look very wonderful. You are the eternal form of all the best gems and metals like gold, therefore you people are blessed.' 

But the mountains also said- 'Brahmarshi! We are not blessed. Blessed is Prajapati Brahma and being the creator of the whole world, he is also full of wonders.' 

Now I reached Brahmaji and started praising him- 'Lord! You alone are blessed, you alone are wonderful.  All the gods and demons worship you. The universe is born from you, so who else can be like you?'

On this Brahmaji said- 'Narad! Why are you praising me with these words like blessed, wonder etc.? Blessed and wonder are these Vedas, through which the Yagyas are performed and the world is protected.'

Now I went to the Vedas and started praising them, then they called the Yagyas blessed. Then I started praising the Yagyas. On this the Yagyas told me that- 'We are not blessed, Vishnu is blessed, he is our final destination. He is the one who is worshipped by all the Yagyas.'

'Thereafter I came here in search of Vishnu's destination and saw you in the form of Shri Krishna among the kings. When I called him blessed, then he called himself blessed with Dakshinas.

Lord Vishnu with Dakshinas is the destination of all the Yagyas. This is where my question ended and with this my surprise also went away. Therefore I am leaving now.'

Read more-Story (Narada's difficult questions)

Saying this Devrishi Narad left.  Hearing this secret and conversation, even the kings were astonished and everyone considered only the Lord as worthy of blessing, wonder and best praise

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