Desire for another's wife is the cause of death

The lustful Keechak came there all dressed up and sitting on the bed in the dark, mistook Bhimsena for Sairendhri and placed his hand on him. Bhimsen jumped and threw.......

Jai Shri Radhe Krishna! Dear readers, how are you all, we hope you are fine. 

Welcome friends once again to your devotional story.

Desire for another's wife is the cause of death

Desire for another's wife is the cause of death

The Pandavas along with Draupadi lived with King Virat in the last year of their exile by changing their clothes and names. At that time Draupadi had changed her name to Sairandhri and was spending her time as a maidservant of King Virat's queen Sudeshna.

Kichak, the chief commander of King Virat, was the brother of Queen Sudeshna. Firstly, he was the brother-in-law of the king, secondly, the army was under his control, thirdly, he himself was a renowned strong man and his one hundred and five brothers, equally strong as him, followed him.

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Due to all these reasons, Keechak had become fearless and arrogant. He always did as he pleased. He had no fear or hesitation of even King Virat. On the contrary, the kings were always subdued by him and did not dare to say anything about his improper behaviour.

The evil-minded Keechak once went to his sister Queen Sudeshna's palace for some work. There, on seeing the extremely beautiful maidservant Sairandhri, he became enamoured of her. Keechak offered various types of tempting to Sairandhri.

Sairandhri explained to him- 'I am faithful to my husband. I never desire any man other than my husband. Give up your sinful thoughts.' But the lustful Keechak did not pay heed to her words. He even convinced his sister Sudeshna that she would send Sairandhri to his palace.

Desire for another's wife is the cause of death

Even when Sairandhri refused, Queen Sudeshna showed her authority and scolded her and sent her to Keechak's palace to bring some things for herself from there. When Sairandhri reached Keechak's palace, the wicked man became adamant on using force on her.

Pushing him, she ran away and reached the royal court. But Keechak reached there and caught her hair and threw her on the ground in front of King Virat and kicked her. King Virat could not dare to say anything.

Draupadi disguised as Sairandhri saw that Virat cannot protect her from this evil soul. Keechak became even more impudent. Finally, distraught, Draupadi went to Bhimsen at night and cryingly told him her pain.

Bhimsen assured her. The next day, Sairandhri spoke to Keechak pleasantly as per Bhimsen's advice and asked him to come to the theatre at night.

King Virat's theatre was used for the girls of the inner palace to learn dance and music. During the day, the girls practiced singing there, but at night it remained empty.

There was a bed in it for the girls to rest. When the night became dark, Bhimsena quietly came and lay down on the bed in the theatre. The lustful Keechak came there all dressed up and sitting on the bed in the dark, mistook Bhimsena for Sairendhri and placed his hand on him.

Bhimsen jumped and threw him down and sat on the chest of that evil soul. Keechak was very strong. He clashed with Bhimsen. Both of them started wrestling, but Bhima defeated him quickly.

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He killed him by strangling him and then pressed his head and hands and legs so hard that they all got stuck inside the torso. Keechak's body became a scary lump.

In the morning, it was Sairandhri who showed the people what misfortune Keechak, who had insulted her, had met. But Keechak's one hundred and five brothers caught Sairandhri and tied her up.

They took her to the crematorium with the intention of burning her in the pyre along with Keechak's body. Sairandhri kept wailing. Hearing her wailing, Bhimsen jumped over the city wall and reached the crematorium.

He uprooted a tree and lifted it on his shoulder and with that he sent all Keechak's brothers to Yamalok. And freed Sairandhri from bondage.  

The evil soul Keechak was killed because of his lust and because of supporting his sinful brother, his one hundred and five brothers also died a terrible death.

That is why I say friends! Sexual power is not good. The more you stay away from it, the better it is. Hope you liked the story.

With this, we take leave, we will meet again with the next story in devotional story, till then take care of yourself, keep smiling and keep remembering the Lord.

Thank you

Har Har Mahadev 

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