Destruction by lust

destruction by lust , friends!  Sund and Upsund, who were in love with her, got up together and ran towards Tilottama. Sund held her right hand and Upsund held her left hand. Both of them started pleading with her that she should become their wife....

Jai Shri Radhe Krishna! Dear readers, how are you all, we hope you are fine. 

Welcome friends once again to your devotional story.

Destruction by lust/ story of destruction of Sund-Upsund,

Destruction by lust
Destruction by lust

In Hiranyakashipu's lineage, demon Nikumbh had two sons Sunda and Upsunda. They were the leaders of demons in their time. Both were real brothers. There was so much love between them that it was like 'one soul and two bodies'.

Both had similar interests, similar behaviour and similar perceptions. They lived together, ate and drank together, got up and sat together. One never went anywhere without the other. They spoke sweetly to each other and always tried to make the other brother happy and satisfied.

Both brothers Sunda and Upsunda started severe penance together with the desire to become immortal. They went to Vindhyachal mountain and started living by drinking only air. A pile of mud accumulated on their bodies. Finally, they started performing havans by cutting flesh from their bodies.

When only bones were left in their bodies, they raised both hands and stood on their toes and started performing penance. Vindhya mountain was satisfied with their long and intense penance.

secrets of lord krishna death

Gods tried to create many obstacles in the penance of those two demons but all kinds of temptations, fear and deceit proved futile. Finally Brahmaji, satisfied with their penance, arrived there.

When he asked them to ask for a boon, both of them asked for this boon- 'O Brahmadev! Both of us should be illusionists, knowers of all weapons and should become immortal.' But Brahmaji did not agree to make them immortal.

Finally both of them said- 'If you cannot give us immortality, then give us this boon that we should neither be defeated nor killed by anyone else. Whenever we die, it should be at each other's hands.' Brahmaji said 'so be it' to this.

After giving the boon to the demons, Brahmaji went to his world and they both came to Daityapuri. Now they both decided to conquer the three worlds and started working on it.

Very soon they achieved victory. Because knowing the boon they had received, how could the gods dare to fight them. On getting the news of the attack of the demons, they left heaven and ran away everywhere.

The demons conquered all the Yakshas, ​​demons, serpents etc. After becoming the conqueror of the three worlds, they ordered their servants 'No one should be able to perform any yajna, pujan, study of Vedas. Burn that city where these things are done. Search and destroy the sages.'

The demons, who were cruel by nature, started roaming around killing Brahmins after getting such an order. They burnt the ashrams of the sages. If any sage cursed them, it went in vain due to the boon of Brahmaji.

The result was that all the ascetics, Veda scholars, Brahmins who had controlled their senses, religious people, sages on earth hid themselves in the caves of the mountains out of fear. There was no yajna-pujan or recitation of Vedas in the society. But the demons were not satisfied with this. 

They took the form of cruel lions, tigers, snakes etc., who could take any form as per their wish and started destroying the sages hiding in the caves. Seeing no other way to end this oppression, the sages went to Brahmaji in Brahmaloka. 

At the same time, the gods also went to the Pitamaha to tell him about their problems. After listening to the problems of the gods and sages, Brahmaji thought for a while and called Vishwakarma and ordered him to create a very beautiful woman. 

Vishwakarma created a woman by taking the essence of all the beautiful things in the world.  There was not a single part of that woman's body that was not very attractive, so Brahma named her Tilottama. She was so beautiful that all the gods and Lokpal were fascinated on seeing her.

Tilottama folded her hands and asked Brahmaji, 'What is your order for me?' Grandfather Brahmaji said, 'You go to Sunda-Upsunda and try to make them enemies.'

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Tilottama accepted the order. After paying her respects to Grandfather and circumambulating the Gods, she departed. Sunda-Upsunda were roaming in the gardens of Vindhyachal with their followers at that time. All the material for food was gathered there, both the brothers were sitting on good seats after drinking wine.

Women were dancing. Singers were singing while playing various types of musical instruments. Many people were praising the two brothers. Tilottama reached there picking oleander flowers on the bank of the river. On seeing her, both the brothers became attracted to her.

Sund and Upsund, who were in love with her, got up together and ran towards Tilottama. Sund held her right hand and Upsund held her left hand. Both of them started pleading with her that she should become their wife.

Tilottama looked at both of them sarcastically and said smilingly- 'You people should first decide amongst yourselves whom I should choose.'

Due to the infatuation for a woman, both the brothers forgot their love for each other. Each of them wanted to make that woman his own. Firstly, they were intoxicated by the wine and secondly, Kaamdev (God of love) had blinded them.

They even forgot their own welfare. Sund angrily said to Upsund- 'She is my wife. She is like a mother to you. Leave her hand.'

Upsund roared- 'She is my wife, not yours. She is like a daughter-in-law to you. Get away from her immediately.'

Both of them became furious. Overwhelmed with lust, they picked up their dreadful maces and started hitting each other. Their bodies were crushed and cut at various places due to the mutual blows.

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A stream of blood started flowing. Finally both of them fell down lifeless like pieces of flesh. Tilottama's task was accomplished. She became the best Apsara of heaven. Indra again became the ruler of heaven along with the gods.

So friends, this is how Sunda-Upsunda, intoxicated with lust, destroyed themselves by their own hands.That is why it is said that friends' sexual power is not good

This is a prime example of destruction by lust

So dear readers, how did you like the story? Hope you liked it. With this, let's take leave. We will meet again in devotional story the next post. Till then take care of yourself, keep laughing, keep smiling and keep sharing happiness with others too.

Thank you 

Har Har Mahadev 

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