Fasting without thinking due to lust leads to disaster, the glory of Ekadashi

Jai Shri Ram! Dear readers, how are you all?We hope that you will be healthy by the grace of God.

The wonderful story of Ekadashi

Fasting without thinking due to lust leads to disaster

Fasting without thinking due to lust leads to disaster, the glory of Ekadashi

Long ago there lived a king named Ritudhwaj in Ayodhya. Maharaja Rukmangad was the son of Ritudhwaj. Rukmangad was very powerful and religious. He had a very devoted wife - Vindhyavati. She gave birth to a son, whose name was Dharmangad.

He was famous in the world for his devotion towards his father. He loved his father very much and was equal to his father in other religions. Ekadashi fast was dearer to Maharaja Rukmangad than his life. He had announced in his entire kingdom that whoever does not observe Ekadashi fast will be punished.

Therefore, in his kingdom, all children, old people, men and women from eight to eighty years of age used to perform Ekadashi Vrat with devotion. Only a few sick people, pregnant women etc. were against it. 

Strength in devotion, lovely story of Meera Bai

Due to this fast, no one used to go to Yampuri in his time. Yampuri became deserted. Yamraj was very worried about this. He went to Prajapati Brahma and told him the news of Yampuri being deserted and his unemployment. 

Brahma advised him to remain calm. After a lot of efforts by Yamraj, he created a woman named Mohini through Maya and sent her to the king who had gone to the forest for hunting. 

She brought King Rukmangad under her control. The king wanted to marry her, then she said that 'I have one condition, that is, you will have to do whatever I say.' 

The king was already unconscious due to love, so there was no question of not doing it. He returned to the capital with her.  Prince Dharmangada welcomed both of them with great enthusiasm.

Vindhyavati also started serving her co-wife and without any mental anguish, she started serving Mohini considering herself as a maid.

After a few days Ekadashi also came. Announcements started being made in the city, 'It is Ekadashi, be careful, no one should take the food by mistake. Be careful!' These words reached Mohin's ears.

She asked the king, 'Maharaj, what is this?' Rukmangad told the whole situation and himself started getting ready to observe the fast.

Mohini said- 'Maharaj, you will have to agree to one thing of mine.'

Rukmangad said- 'Tell me my love!'

Mohini said- 'You should not observe Ekadashi fast.'

Rukmangad said- 'I have taken this vow.'

'Then you should not observe Ekadashi fast.' Mohini spoke again.

Maharaj remained silent after hearing this. He said with great pain- 'Mohini. I can accept all your words and I do accept them, but Devi! Do not ask me to give up Ekadashi fast. This is absolutely impossible for me.

Mohini said, 'This cannot happen. You had promised me, pledged that you will do whatever I say. Then how can you forget your promise.'

Rukmangad said, 'You give me permission to do this on any condition.'

Mohini said, 'If this is the case then you cut off Dharmangad's head with your own hands and give it to me.'

Rukmangad was very sad at this. When his son Dharmangad came to know about this, he explained to his father and he agreed to this.

Dharmangad, a devotee of his father, said, 'No more fortunate occasion can come for me than this.' His mother Queen Vindhyavati also supported this.

Destruction by lust

Everyone got ready. As soon as the king swung his sword, the earth shook, God himself appeared there and held his hand.  He took Dharaṃgad, the Maharaja and Vindhyavati along with him to his Shridham.

So friends, you saw what is the result of making a vow without thinking under the influence of lust and what a son and a virtuous woman can do for their father and husband and how God's grace showers on them, this is a living example of this.

Hope you liked the post. With this, we bid farewell, we will meet again in the next devotional story with an interesting, informative story, until then take care of yourself, keep smiling and keep remembering the Lord.

Thank you

Har Har Mahadev

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