Does Lord Krishna love me?

Yes Friends! Lord Krishna, who is considered the embodiment of love itself, loves all living beings infinitely......

Jai Shri Krishna dear readers,

Welcome once again to Devotional Story. We hope that you are healthy and happy. Friends, today we will discuss a very dear and emotional question: Does Lord Krishna love me?

Does Lord Krishna love me?

Does Lord Krishna love me?
Does Lord Krishna love me?

Yes Friends! Lord Krishna, who is considered the embodiment of love itself, loves all living beings infinitely. His love is not limited to any one individual, but flows equally for all creatures. Whether it is the Gopis, Sudama, Arjuna, or an ordinary devotee, Krishna's love is unconditional and selfless.

What is Lord Krishna’s Love Like?

Lord Krishna's love is boundless and pure. It is beyond the material attachments of this world. He connects soul to soul. In the Bhagavad Gita, he says, "Whoever worships me with love, I love them." His love is selfless and without any expectations. He doesn't ask for anything in return, only genuine devotion and love.

How to Know if Lord Krishna Loves You?

This question often arises in the minds of many devotees, but the answer is very simple. Lord Krishna's love is always with everyone, whether we feel it or not. He resides in our hearts and supports us in every situation. When you look towards God with a sincere heart, meditate on Him, and call out to Him, that’s when you can truly feel His presence.

His love is revealed in small gestures, like showing a way out of problems, standing by you in tough times, and guiding your life in the right direction. There are many such signs; we just need to understand and feel His presence.

How to Attain Lord Krishna’s Love?

The simplest way to attain Lord Krishna’s love is through devotion. Devotion is not limited to visiting temples and performing rituals; it is the feeling that comes from your heart, where you dedicate every action to Krishna. Call out to Him with a true heart, remember His divine plays (Leelas), chant His name, and most importantly, practice compassion and kindness in life.

When you sing His hymns, read the Gita, or remember His name, you can feel His love more closely. Lord Krishna's love is always with us; we just need to strengthen our faith and trust in Him. And the day your love for Krishna grows, your faith and trust become stronger, you will realize that Krishna’s love has come to you, and He has embraced you.

How to Recognize That You Have Attained Krishna’s Love?

The greatest sign that you have received Krishna's love is when you hear His hymns, stories, or even discussions about Him from someone else, and tears begin to flow from your eyes, even if you don’t want to cry. You’ll try to understand why you’re crying, but you won’t be able to figure it out. Your heart will overflow with emotion, you’ll be lost in Krishna, nothing else will appeal to you, and you’ll cry without reason, with tears flowing endlessly.

When such a situation arises, understand that Krishna has taken your hand, and His love is reaching you.


Yes, Lord Krishna loves you infinitely. His love has no conditions, and He is always with you, no matter the circumstances. You just need to feel His presence and His love. When you open your heart and accept Him into your life, you will realize that His love is showering upon you every moment.

Jai Shri Krishna

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